Or melk which is milk when pronounced with a couple of us accents
I can levitate birds but nobody cares.
Barnyard for the second, with a notably transgender main character, who portrays themselves as a bull, but bulls don't have udders
Well this case is apparently before judge Cannon who proved before that she's willing to kowtow to the former disgraced presidents attempts to delay proceedings, so turning this down is pretty unlikely
Glad to hear that, he scared me for a second lol!
Well that means one of two things, it's either the result you wanted, whichever that is, or is basically saying "nice"because that means you got laid.
That pricing seems really good, you can get a refurbished 64 and a 1tb SSD for about the cost of a new 64gb. Seems almost too good to be true.
Indeed, good sir. When something is based, it is generally considered to be positive.
Well here's hoping, it'll be a huge win for humanity if it works out and is, indeed replicable at any kind of scale. We haven't had very many winds as a species recently, so any victory would be great.
Is it just the Beijing one that's bull hockey or is the whole material itself bologna?
I mean that's the message he'll spin for sure, but the Colorado suit was brought to the courts by Republicans trying to remove Trump from the ballot.