Right on!
Sure, but for many of the participants, the actual ground troops, they were Christian fanatics that genuinely believed God was behind their cause.
Same story as today really, smart people at the top use religious fundies as useful idiots to help their cause.
I grew up in a Christian fundamentalist community. Most of the people in it genuinely believed all the propaganda and rhetoric. But the right-wing powers at the top usually don't actually give a shit, a bunch of them don't even believe in any of the fundie stuff like the imminent rapture, Revelation, Prophesy, etc. But they know they can use that fanaticism to their advantage to push their agenda forward.
Ah yes, the "everybody dies so who gives a shit" defense...
He says he doesn't trust it, but he's lying. If he actually cared about what's in the vaccines, he would get educated on the ingredients, the process of manufacture, the data and studies that have been done, etc.
But he won't do that, because he is a religious fundamentalist. He doesn't care about being logical, or reasonable, or understanding anything. He heard a certain viewpoint that he vibes with and stubbornly and fanatically holds to it.
Same as radical Islamists, or the Crusaders, or conspiracy theory nuts. They didn't reason themselves into their worldview. It wasn't carefully and methodically researched, it isn't something they are willing to change or adapt or be wrong on.
I currently get paid in the bottom 15-20% for my role + experience in my region.
I received a "raise" (effective pay cut) a few weeks ago that was lower than the base inflation rate, dispite all the work I had done for the company and my great reputation with my prior manager and the employees there. (My company got bought out by a shitty competitor last year, the new management and policies suck)
So guess what? They are getting bottom 15% quality work, which is hardly anything. If they want to bring me up anywhere near the average wage in my area, I'll start performing like it, but until then, I'm having fun bringing my personal laptop into work, playing RuneScape, watching YouTube, working on a side business, getting coffee constantly, and just roaming around "checking in with users." Oh yeah, taking 1.5 hour lunches is fun too. 😈
So it will be an overly expensive, bloated, but ultimately ineffective jet that will become known for its much higher rate of friendly fire incidents than any other jet in history.
Also it will look ugly and have oddly small wings.