"Acting my wage".
Date Created: June 21, 2023
This community supports labor, with an aspiration for it to cease to be required to live our lives. Members of this community want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and/or want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.
Anti-Work Library 📚
Essential Reads
Start here! Some of the more talked-about essays on the topic.
- The Abolition of Work by Bob Black (1985) | listen
- On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber (2013) | listen
- In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell (1932) | listen
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It would be cool to add that to an email signature along with a colored trend arrow. Red and down for “wage subceeds motivation,” yellow and side to side for “meh,” and green and up for “sufficiently compensated in accordance with your labor requirements and expectations ”
You get what you pay for.
And for every year without the inflation adjustment my performance goes down accordingly.
The OG maxim
Goes both ways parasites
Work to rule. No overtime, no extra duties. Exactly per position description.
I know most position descriptions have the clause “and any other duties assigned by the company from time to time. “ Comply with this, but do it poorly. Ask for clarification, training, written instructions, and still half ass it. Miss deadlines, miss data, draw erroneous conclusions.
Then get upset if called out, not angry upset, tearful upset.
Not sure what the contracts are like where you are but here in my country that clause about extra duties and overtime when necessary can be defeated by doing a little of what they ask. 30 minutes of overtimes satisfies that contractual obligation as they never state X amount needs to be done. Same for extra duties. Do it once and at the min and thats your obligations fulfilled.
Extra duties here can be project based. Ie; this needs to be done and it’s now part of your role to see it to completion. Also should have mentioned to ask for higher duties allowance every time you are asked to do extra.
Yeah exactly right. I had to get them to introduce wording into my KPIs saying something like “Taking into consideration any extra project work I am asked to complete”. This means I can freely do both but my annual/quarterly review is judged fairly taking it all into consideration.
Jesus and Buddha taught people to live in the world, but not be of the world. Do a job without compromising your morals, but don’t buy into the system and be one of those that sell out your fellow humans by becoming the next corporate drone boss. Give your employer as much, or as little, as you’re willing to give labor-wise for the paycheck. But, make sure your fellow humans, the planet, and your self come first, employer last.
Wage based productivity adjustment
I've always been told to work smarter, not harder. Why work harder for a tiny increase in pay at best (if even recognized) when I can dramatically increase my pay-to-work ratio by simply working less?
I currently get paid in the bottom 15-20% for my role + experience in my region.
I received a "raise" (effective pay cut) a few weeks ago that was lower than the base inflation rate, dispite all the work I had done for the company and my great reputation with my prior manager and the employees there. (My company got bought out by a shitty competitor last year, the new management and policies suck)
So guess what? They are getting bottom 15% quality work, which is hardly anything. If they want to bring me up anywhere near the average wage in my area, I'll start performing like it, but until then, I'm having fun bringing my personal laptop into work, playing RuneScape, watching YouTube, working on a side business, getting coffee constantly, and just roaming around "checking in with users." Oh yeah, taking 1.5 hour lunches is fun too. 😈
Hope you're feeling the balance improving day to day. Great considered approach to the problem and giving them the exact return on investment they've made.
I used to work at this place where myself and the entire department got screwed over for raises and bonuses one stellar year.
But this place had a heavy "work-life balance", so we would all just come into work 1-2 hours later, take 2+ hour lunches, and leave early. I'd say on a given day we maybe put in a good 2 hours at best.
Some of us have gone on to working multiple jobs at once...so...yeah.
You can only be seen as a great employee if you're doing exactly the level of work that these people are commanding by telling you with their actions that they don't really value your contribution. Hear you loud and clear, boss!