I like and use the Pentel EnerGel which come in various ink colors including purple (my fav).
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed the only two things I run wine and inkcut
oddly specific, not quite true.. though I have Bottles installed for some apps I am actually migrating (slowly) to Inkscape+Ink/Stitch for embroidery. I know Inkcut is an extension for plotter/cuttijg machines but I haven't checked if I could substitute the brother scanncut app with it completely.
be honest, the only thing that changes otherwise is the amount of cat hair on your pants
best kind of prison
but the light sources themselves would still interfere with wildlife and the circadian rhythm
true, but it might also open up some creative new things like character too skinny/fat for a certain armor etc.
bring back the blog-rings!
Maybe it's a Ficus elastica ‘Abidjan’?
I just finished Circe by M.Miller. Beautiful, didn't expect it to be such a pageturner.
what's that?
why not just drink from the bottle then?
Not really, if the seals are broken then insulating gases between the panes leaked out and the windows will not insulate as well as intended. So it's more than just aesthetic.