
joined 2 years ago
[–] Limeey 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Aw this bums me out, people can’t really control their laughs. I personally love someone who laughs without concern for how it’s perceived.

Making people laugh is like my #1 love in life, I hate to judge how they laugh.

[–] Limeey 3 points 2 years ago

If this But we're hoping to have a NSFW lemmy image that would implement a community level no-federation. This would allow the instance owners to say "I do not want this community's content sent on the federated platform" - at which point, you could run the instance, host your loli, and just don't share it with us.

I mean, it's your world over there. The shit we're taking a stance on is mostly legally gray as all hell though so be careful. Also you run the risk of people/instances defederating on principal of "they're into loli we don't want anything to do with them"

[–] Limeey 5 points 2 years ago (4 children)

I think the "admin team" is pretty active, and since the instance is more specialized, you can simply bring it up to us in the matrix, message one of us directly, etc.

We have been discussing "rogue mods" as an issue too - and also community creation/moderation expectations.

It's definitely something we want to get right

[–] Limeey 6 points 2 years ago

This is a good point. Currently only admins can "purge" and so we'll need to implement a mechanism that gives mods a way to delete, prevent modlog link to the source image, and request admin purge. I'll add this to our list.

[–] Limeey 2 points 2 years ago

Hentai beastiality is in our estimation, yes.

[–] Limeey 28 points 2 years ago (17 children)

I'd like to add that we are specifically looking into improved community identification methods. One on the table is a "nsfw+" concept for topics that may not be "mainstream" but aren't "illegal" - scat, pee, hentai beast, etc. These we would rather not show "on the main feed" or maybe even not federate, but we're not opposed to hosting. It's just that we want to make the instance appealing to the regular person. For those who want their "extreme" content - as long as it's legal, I think we all agree we don't necessarily mind it.

I'm open to hearing the community on this. With that said, "loli/shota" content where the object of eroticism is specifically that "they are a prepubescent child" will never be allowed. Don't start with that.

[–] Limeey 6 points 2 years ago

not necessarily, but we would rather not have bot content. Remember, no one is making money on this instance, and I don't really get what the point of bot content is other than to "provide content" - if the idea is to generate "karma" to then sell the account then that is no bueno. But people who want to provide content to their com, I don't necessarily mind that... it's a weird issue. I just don't get why someone would bot content maliciously

[–] Limeey 8 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Our goal is to be a safe space for content creators incl models, artists, photographers, writers, and more to share their nsfw content, to have nsfw discussions, and to aggregate links to other sites where content is hosted safely (PH, RedGifs, etc). We do not aim to just have stolen copyrighted content on the site, and if that becomes an issue we'll address it.

[–] Limeey 9 points 2 years ago (5 children)

I don't believe anywhere has laws that state that website owners/admins are responsible for the content their users upload beyond acting on it once we are informed of infringement. Our responsibility toward copyrighted content begins when a DMCA request is received from the rightful copyright owner.

Part of what we're working on is the "user agreement" too for the site, specifically that you (the uploader) are responsible for uploading content that you have the rights to upload, and we reserve the right to remove your content if we receive complaints, and possibly ban you if you are getting too many of these strikes.

Copyright is the least of our worries, from our perspective, we qualify as "porn providers," and that is the definition that we are most focused on and what requirements and responsibilities that carries. Including a big pop up saying "Hey you gotta agree you're 18 or whatever age your locality requires."

But most of all, it's child sex abuse material (CSAM). This is the #1 priority of ours, but loli is still on the radar and a bit worrying, so the focus is to be triple sure we are following the laws (including figuring out which countries laws actually apply).

Again, like I said, we're basically going out of pocket to talk to a lawyer for this. We're not trusting our google searches or the advice of posts on the instance. And until then, we're gonna do the best we can until we get that done.

[–] Limeey 15 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

This is probably going to upset you to hear, but NSFWusername wasn't contributing to anything except demanding we allow loli/shota, telling people that the instance was failing, and telling them to go to the other instance to have more freedom.

Overall, we're fine with advertising other instances, but that instance has been problematic for us, and right now we need to focus. I've asked the team to stop using decades long bans, I've adjusted NSFWusername to just 7 days so that everyone can have a chance to cool off. I've also asked for better reasons on ban/purge/deletion.

Frankly, we're just not interested in the discussion of "how to be more like burggit" - we just need to do our thing the best we can. That bridge has kinda been burned for now, we can revisit rebuilding relationships once we get our feet under us and feel like the instance is in a better place.

[–] Limeey 22 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (9 children)

"Council" is the wrong word, and even "admins" is wrong.

The "General Staff" room is where this has been taking place, with the "Technical" room discussing much of the logistics, code, and law.

Gavi is "head admin" as chosen by Yay, this is a role lemmy has in the backend. As a result, he is effectively that. Mike is very knowledgeable about the adult industry and I think we all value his input and his perspective. I have assumed somewhat of "head sysadmin" role for now, but we'll see how long that stays. Yay is still the owner, and the rest are members who basically responded to Yay's initial plea for help or otherwise reached out and were accepted. At this point we have a couple folks that aren't really active anymore, so it's hard to say.

But we will debate until we feel like we are on the same page, and then the plan is to bring it to the community for feedback. That seems like the only way this can work. Time will tell how successful we are.

"Biased against hentai" is a bit unfair - "inexperienced, concerned, and unsure" is better. I mean, look at this wikipedia page, it's enormous and there's so much distinction between countries. Basically we need to enforce different rules for different geographies, and this is a legal and technical nightmare.

[–] Limeey 4 points 2 years ago

Sure! We're federated so you'll see the content from here and the content there will be shared here! We're all one big happy family, it's not competition, if anything it's helpful lol, the admin of their site has been in our chats and is very knowledgeable of infra and the codebase. They've made some cool improvements over there, we're not quite ready for all that but hopefully one day we'll all be running the same "nsfw" instance image lol

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