Or from a small business if the owners are raging fascists
Thank you for sharing this. I've bookmarked it to read later when I can focus.
It's so hard to correct misconceptions once they've taken hold in the public consciousness, especially something that's been used as an excuse to uphold an inherently inequitable system. Often, people will change their view once they've had time to process. As someone who is rather stubborn and learned about the tragedy of the commons in college, I have some firsthand experience with this lol
They'll dismiss progressives and leftists as "Russian bots" while continuing to marginalize people and support genocidal regimes.
And then they'll gaslight us into thinking it's our fault for not voting for whatever steaming pile of excrement they put up for election.
Actually, that's not fair. I've never seen a steaming pile of excrement commit genocide or imprison immigrants, so we'd actually be better off with a literal steaming pile of shit in the White House.
For a "lefty memes" community, there are sure a lot of genocide apologists in here
This is one of the things that made me realize I have trauma
Palestine is not at all comparable to Russia or China. Looks like this video has zero cred.
Could it be in the realm of possibility that people in Michigan, and other states, view the conflict in the Middle East as more complicated than “Israel bad”?
Of course it's in the realm of possibility. We have two rabid conservative parties running this coutry, so does it surprise you when the right-wing propaganda sticks? It's clear that many people support the genocidal state of Israel. That's the problem.
Genocide apologists smh
Now, a centrist Democratic pro-Israel group is running an ad campaign in the state to persuade Michiganders to be vocal in their support of Biden — and tick the box next to his name on the primary ballot.
What a coincidence, these same centrist democrats are infesting every thread on this community as well!
Case in point...
Right-wing liberals: We're not as cultlike as MAGA!
Also right-wing liberals: Oh, you're upset Biden is imprisoning, torturing, and deporting innocent people? Well too bad, you dense motherfucker! LALALALALALALALA
I was thinking pickled herring