A shocking amount of microcontroller manufacturers have eclipse based IDEs for their chips. Thought that seems to be going out of style, luckily.
I was actually offered a Bachelor thesis topic by a company to write a test bench for a product in LabView.
From what they told me and my other engineering experience I'd suggest going with an approach similar to what's used with HDLs. For unit tests create test benches in the language itself which call the functions you want to test with a predefined input (e.g. from a file) and then analyse and save the output.
You can extend this to obtaining other information as well, but tbh I'll bet it's still gonna be a pain.
Hope that helps at least a little.
Are you me? This is almost my exact situation. Only difference is that I convinced them to PF2e from The Dark Eye 5 (DSA5).
Thanks for putting it into relation to daily use. 200,000 is not realistic though. Just had a google and found this source citing up to 400 metric Tons/day
12 is 0.6% of 200,000 btw
Melvor Idle is a great call. The base game is a solid idle game and there's a load of mods too.
I did a HCCO12B (Hardcore combat only, 12 bank slots only) run when the game first released.
Reinstalled the game yesterday and started another HCCO run using the new mod, it adds some QoL and tweaks.
My only negative about it is that when playing normally, I always feel like there's a perfect/optimal strategy and I should figure it out before playing.
There are other alternatives too, like invidious. The yewtu.be instance works decently well for me but limits to 720p I think. There is a list of all running instances somewhere on the github iirc. There's other instances that allow full HD, just have a search and you should be able to find one.
Another system that does it well imo is Shadowrun. In 5th edition (never played the others) when you cast a spell you can take mental damage. If you cast the spell on a weak level you are fine but if you go full-out then you can KO yourself pretty quick. Especially if you roll bad on your damage resist roll.
Yeah I have the enhanced and 4/6 armour seeds. I know I can do without, I have done a few raids already. I just don't feel like doing more raids with a d-crossbow if I'm this close to finishing crystal. Especially since using the bowfa is a ton of fun (been using it with the crystal top and slayer helm on some tasks). It would also make stuff like Bandos/Cerb etc better.
I've been afking shooting stars at work. Still a while off 92 mining sadly. I'd love amethyst for the BP. I have a ton of Addy darts but they suck since the BP nerfs.
Hope your bone heals well.
I got spooned a dpick at cal'varion this week and have also been afk levelling woodcutting. Almost at 85 to boost for the kourend diary.
Kinda burnt out on osrs though. I want to learn CoX and ToB but I'm trying to get full crystal first. Missing 2 more seeds but CG is just so boring.
He may release them. With bee swarms it's common practice to starve them for a day before putting them into their new hive. That way they don't immediately swarm/leave again. Wouldn't be surprised if something like that works with hornets too. Starve them a bit then release them in the woods.
FYI no need for poison. Just use dish-soap water. (Works for bees at least and their carapace is the same material as hornets/wasps)
Same. At least with Deus Ex I have some hope left. Iirc the studio (Eidos?) was sold by Square Enix and the new owner may have them work on a new Deus Ex.
If you like those kind of games it may also interest you that Dishonored 3 being planned was part of the leaks last week.
I've played Deus Ex (and the revision mod) and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on Linux without issue. If you're playing steam games it's basically just install and play. Especially for old games.
There's a website called protondb.com you can check for compatibility. Gaming on Linux is so good now though, I don't even check anymore before buying games.
Word of warning though. While modding games running through wine/proton is possible, mod managers don't usually work or are tedious to set up. I don't mod too much so I usually just manually install or stick with steam workshop mods.