joined 2 years ago
[–] LwL@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

One of the major draws of discord is the fact that they host the servers for you, for free. Anyone can make an account, click a button, and have a discord server.

Afaik matrix does allow this (haven't used it personally) but it's something where I am a bit worried about hosting costs if it reaches a large scale. (Also unsure about how the matrix protocol works precisely, but if defederation is a thing which I feel like it has to be, I can see it leading to huge pains since discords use case is often about being part of a specific communitu, as opposed to twitter or reddit. Being unable to join a groip or see some messsges because of federation issues would be a major headache).

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 24 points 1 week ago (4 children)

More and more I believe that Mozilla's current leadership are acting in their own self interest, not for the public good.

I think the salary alone is enough evidence of that. There's a point, specifics of which will depend on your living situation, at which wanting a higher salary requires the same infinite greed that becoming a billionaire requires. And I'm very sure that this point is far below 1 million dollars a year. Mozilla's CEO makes over 6 million.

If you feel like you deserve that, you are not fit to lead a nonprofit. You have already proven that you care more about giving yourself obscene wealth than about the benefit of others.

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

I've switched to main linux last week, for now with a windows dualboot for games that have issues. Honestly a good option if you just don't like windows or where it's heading. Depending on what you play going 100% linux isn't viable though (but also if you're not playing any multiplayer games it is).

Rebooting is so fast these days that switching OS isn't a big problem, and I'm surprised just how well proton is working. I've somehow had more problems with the EA launcher trying to play nfs unbound on windows than on linux (it just worked with no issues, on windows it wouldn't launch if I don't close the ea launcher first).

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I do think some of the jokes are a little (or very) questionable, but it's rarely the ones targeting nerds. I'm also autistic and also like it, even if it's far from perfect.

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I make significantly less than that and make more money than the median in both my own country (a decent bit more) and the US (a lot more). It is mathematically impossible for expenses that high to be the norm.

If you have kids or other dependents like elderly or disabled family members in need of support, I'm sure it can get very expensive very fast, and it's quite obvious the average american does not make enough money. But $250 a day is an insane number for an "average" person. Even if you pay 3k a month in rent idk how you would get to that number.

Fwiw my own recurring daily expenses (disregarding things like saving for holidays and such bc otherwise it's just my income) including saving up money as a safety net/for retirement are around 70€. More than triple that seems pretty unfathomable to me for a single person even in a country with even higher cost of living.

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 7 points 2 weeks ago

Not a single person in my life has ever had an issue with the fact that i prefer to be texted and reserve phone calls for more immediate issues. My time belongs to me and no one else so I have no obligation to answer people, and text is faster to parse for me and always has a protocol available if I need it later.

Calling someone isn't disrespectful. Calling someone that has made it clear they do not want to be called except for emergencies is. In my case I'd just mute all calls from them after it happens the second time.

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Scooters are motorcycles by most definitions (and afaik motorbike is just the british term?)

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 8 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

I think nord offers a password manager alongside the vpn now, which is where that comes from. But yea, I hate the way vpns are always presented in those ads. I think most people now know the word "vpn" but most still don't know what it actually means, but think they do.

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

It's not a great system honestly. Throwing away ~14% of votes (that is several million people) isn't very democratic. It's not entirely pointless, but at least having a main vote and one fallback vote if the main vote doesn't make 5% would reduce that number by a lot, without encouraging heavy fracturization of parties (while still remaining computationally feasible to count, which is a real problem with systems that fully remove strategic voting).

At least this time I'm happy that neither the libertarian car fetish party nor the tankie light party made it in, but systemically it's not great.

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

I mean kinda yes esp wage gap just being a symptom but how is this relevant to some (too many) men really loving to send unsolicited dick pics?

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

Well, the real moment it becomes an issue is when a significant vulnerability is found after EOS. So I guess after EOS is when the sword of damocles starts hanging above every win 10 user..

Personally I'm on the edge of the ship just waiting to jump off once i have my new pc (probably next week).

[–] LwL@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

That's not a matter of being dumb, just that they never had a reason to question the difference. The proper way to answer that if you think there might be confusion is to recommend arch and note that they might just care about the DE, in which case there are simpler options. Otherwise you're just being an ass.

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