… Except mine was also obviously sarcastic. Which you missed.
This is actually one of the funniest posts I’ve ever seen on Lemmy 🤣 I kind of want to try something similar with my players now.
10 years old. What the fuck. Little man wasn’t attacking people or breaking shit. Insane
It’s even more bizarre when women vote for / agree with this shit. What woman actually wants to go through this or thinks it’s necessary?
Raise your hands if you’re shocked. Literally nobody should raise their hands
Well that was hard to watch. Already didn’t like this dickhead but now I reeeally don’t like ‘im
Been there, done that. 10 pm rolls around and I’m like “Gaming time!” And then I’m sleepy within like 30 minutes 🤣
… I wanna say duh? lol
O O F. That’s quite the dad joke lol You know it’s good when it hurts my soul
As it always is. Slaps on the wrist and nothing real ever being done about it. We have no good solution to this shit. Electric cars destroy the environment, gas cars destroy the environment, horses are unfeasible for the modern age, walking is unfeasible for the modern age… God we’re so fucked
Those would be mad expensive too - think about all the awesome D&D video games that have ever been made. Yes they’ve been less so in the last decade, but any company would know the power of the name and want the game rights as well as the printed media and other rights. It’s a whole deal. Larian could almost never hope to have the kind of money that would convince Hasbro to sell the game rights separately, much as we’d basically all prefer that.