Well stroll is definitely good for taking himself and at least two others out. Let's say each rookie decides to take a trip across the grass. That gets us to 7... Who else is likely to crash?
Yeah... Neither of those disprove my comment. The first article is about temporary legal status being given by a previous administration. Key word there being temporary. I'm not going to argue the morality or legality of that whole situation but those appear to be special exceptions.
Second article just proves that ICE is being racist and doing their jobs of checking peoples legal status. I did only skim the article but it didn't appear to report that any of them actually got deported. Just detained and questioned.
You can see at the end that Pleakley shows his alien form when someone hits a button so I am guessing they will have human disguises for parts of the movie because it's harder to dress up and alien to look human in a live action movie when the animated one just had them put on a hat and sunglasses.
I'll withhold judgement until I've seen the whole movie but it looks like they captured the important parts of the original. Not gonna become a classic like the original but I'm sure it'll be fun for the kids and at least possibly entertaining for the adults.
I simply love this movie. The style. The vibes. The writing. The voice acting. The visuals. The art. Just beautiful across the board.
You can tell when movies are worked on by a million people and multiple mega corporations vs a relatively small group of dedicated people who really care about the art they are making.
I wish I could go back and be able to experience this movie for the first time again.
Not a Hamilton fan haha.
I don't like ocon so let's say he also crashes. That gets us to 9. Who is the last guy to screw up?