The Original Series
No one's saying in the setting you're playing in goblins can't be evil as a default. Having it be a blanket truth for all settings is a bit constraining though. Goblins specifically in the DND world probably shouldn't all be evil alignment because their history is... Complicated
!Thancred!< should have stayed dead in Endwalker, I will die on this hill
It can be played almost entirely single player from the beginning now, and the story is really good after ARR (which is serviceable for setting up the world).
There is also a free trial that goes through Stormblood (the second expansion) so you can try without paying anything
Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria?
This game is definitely one of the best if you can find a way to play it
Crowd Control, it comes from video games mostly where people would shorthand things to quickly communicate.
Link to the artist's page who does these illustrations