Still requires a much higher initial investment along with maintenance. Which I believe will be harder to get approval for than just different trains. Another factor could also be that the tracks are maybe not owned by the train companies. Making it even more difficult to get any large investments in electrification approved.
Wasn't that one expensive or hard to get?
The Green Party, maybe. Jill Stein, with the stuff she's been saying I am not quite sure if she would actually present your views better or if she's an actual competent leader. Of course you can have the question of the best of the worst, but then still I'm not sure if she compares well.
US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and some other smaller countries.
If the names of the plants would be spelled for me under each plant every time then that would greatly enhance my memory.
Whether they directly pass the costs or indirectly, these are still costs made by the seller. In other words either the costs are passed on by the credit card customers or simply all customers. Somebody has to pay for the costs and in the end the seller has to make some profit to survive.
Like Twitch you mean? I think that has been blocked as well. And other addblockers can even skip adds within yt videos
Xitter may have taken in more loans after Elon's take over. But a company can't borrow money to buy itself. So yea his assets are very much on the line. I wonder what deal he struck with the Saudi lenders.
Wasn't even needed. Just downloaded the app with another downloaded app and then installed it. Then it props you what launcher you want. Plenty of videos on yt about this.
This would require a too big of an investment to actually be effective enough. The cost benefit isn't just quite there. The riots have been very localised after all.
Wasn't it already after year 1 that he got a bigger room because they feared his magic?
Considering the difficulties Microsoft had buying up Activision, I don't think they will be allowed to buy up another game company of any remotely big size.