Don't? It won't be financially great for whoever has to deal with it, but it will cost you $0.
Good. Hope someone kills him on his book tour. Fucking traitor.
Well, that's only fair. They get to be on in the Allies this time around. We (the US) are going to have to work with ... wait, Italy already dumped us. So, Japan? Can we bring back Imperial Japan for our side?
He'll vote that way again, I guarantee it.
That can be corrected pretty quick.
Wait ... can they still fuck? Or is it problematic now? How old is she? Are mental age and physical age the same thing in this scenario? Does she still have her memories?
Woody Allen really needs these questions answered guys.
I did a phone interview at 11 am and told them I needed a determination by 3 pm. They hired me at 1 pm. I don't know why I did that, and I don't know why it worked, but here I am.
Same, especially since the Black Ships had just arrived.
That's how racism, sexism, and politics align.
Correct. It is 100% illegal to call for the sudden and violent death of Trump and Vance, even if you think that they are white trash traitors who would, in fact, be better off dead.
Well, yeah. He's a rapist. Epstein ran the Disneyworld equivalent of rape attractions. If you're good at football, you go to the Superbowl. If you're good at violence, you go to prison. Trump is good at rape. Of course Trump went to Rapeworld.
Probably put them where the people are standing around in the morning.