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I wouldn't let him eat dog food 🤷‍♀️


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submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My son will be 13 months on the 16th. This evening has been particularly rough. It started with my pom escaping the fence during dinner. So I had to interrupt my son eating and go collect my dog. Then he decided he didn't want to finish eating or basically even start eating. I put him in the bath since that always helps. It helped until I took him out.

So I was trying to get him dressed for bed since he was just absolutely tired. Well while wrestling him to get a diaper on. He keeps alligator rolling. I just snapped and yelled at him. But he was so focused on his own screaming that he didn't even flinch.

I feel like a failure. After that I finally succeeded in getting a diaper on him then. Tried to nurse him to sleep like we usually do. NOPE. continued to scream and fight sleep. After about 10 minutes, I gave up and just put him in the crib. He fought sleep for another 5 minutes then crashed.

Earlier I checked him for a fever or anything physical that needed medical attention. He was just exhausted 😞

Edit: thank you everyone for your kind words. Turns out he was also coming down with Fifths disease. Sounds scary but better than RSV, the flu or covid.


Our boy turned two and during the last weeks he has trouble falling asleep. He always went to sleep at 9 which was already late. But now he just doesn't fall asleep sometimes until 11.

Even when we try to bring him to bed at 8 it takes also two to three hours for him to fall asleep.

He only let's his mom bring him to bed and then she stays there with him until he falls asleep. Sometimes he asks for me additionally to join and then he rolls in the bed kicks us, climbed on us and so on because he can't fall asleep.

More often than not we fall asleep first and only then he falls asleep. He doesnd go out of the bed or anything just can't fall asleep.

Any tips what worked for your children?


This is a really sweet story.


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A Step Up


Can we please recommend apps your kids enjoy? This could be games, painting or educational.

I prefer free apps which, preferably, are ok for privacy too.

Thank you for sharing!


Getting ready for the literal and figurative shit storm that is potty training. I would love to hear some experiences-

What method did you use? Was it from a book or a parenting blog? How long did it take? What would you do differently? What did you do right?

I plan to record evidence of our triumph so I can show her when she get sassy and says I don't do anything for her. Welp kid, you'd literally be an animal defecating on the floor! Let's watch exhibit A, shall we?

(I'm not really recording my child, I feel like I have to say this for the former FBI agents who recently have so much time on their hands. I was being entirely facetious...which sounds like feces)


Currently on vacation with our almost 3 years old daughter in Costa Rica. I feel like I haven't really gotten to explore this country as I usually like to on my own terms. The activities that we do find for her, often are a failure resulting in a melt down and she just wants to go back to the hotel. She doesn't even want to play on the beach or at the pool. This trip in Costa Rica she's been a complete home body, trips outside have been a melt down. So this leads me to the main question.

Does it get easier as they get older? Please tell me it gets easier...

We've done a fair bit of traveling with her already. Cabo when she was 10 months old, visiting family members in NY, MA and SC multiple times per year. She's a great flyer, so no worries there. But when we're at the destination, everything is very much centered and catered to her. I get it, she's a toddler.

Photography is a hobby of mine, but it's impossible to do any sort of composition with a camera while a wiggling child is hanging off my shoulder. We have grandparents traveling with us this trip, and they've sometimes been helpful for an hour or two kids are a lot of work. I may need to work with my partner on building in a solo vacation for myself occasionally because traveling to new places with a kid kind of sucks.

Rant over.


My wife just had her first pregnancy doctor's appointment and I am feeling under prepared. I am looking for worthwhile and hopefully empirically based books about pregnancy and parenting. I normally have no problems doing my own research and scourging the library to find out what I need but there's so much it's overwhelming.

So what books have you all read that are worthwhile? What is worth looking at?


I am pretty against having a kid of my own for many reasons (scared of pregnancies, scared of babies, awful genepool, etc.) but I do like kids, and am not against adopting a kid. It's just rare to see many parents with adopted kids, so I'm always curious about the process. I'm getting a tubal in a few months, so I guess I'm just asking all my questions early lol


My baby is 8 months old, and still wakes up at night. It's not just waking up to suck, but also to play. She just doesn't want to sleep! Falling asleep during the day is not a problem, but when night comes, she wakes up every two hours, and she can be awake for several hours. I'm losing my strength and the will to get up and I'm afraid I'll lose my patience, even though I know I should be thankful because she's a healthy and happy baby. My husband have more patience but we both are tired and Im beginning to worry for our mental health and relationship. I tried few sleeping techniques but none of them was useful to me Do you have some advice?


So my three year old has, since she was little, been really into jumping. I try to warn her that she could seriously injure herself, but this hasn't happened yet so she doesn't think I'm serious. But she jumps over and off anything. Sisters bunk bed to the armchair 2 meters away? No problem. Bunk bed to the floor? Sticks the landing every time. I swear my partner must have cheated on me with a f##king spider monkey.

How do I convince her to not do the jumps that could break her ankle if she lands wrong? I'm not getting through to her. I'm happy she is physically active, but she's taking the piss.


TLDR: looking for a way to share spiderman with young children without violence or inducing ADD in child.

I have a 4 year old that I have pretty successfully sheltered from media. She's watched some stuff - but think PBS instead of cocomelon - slower paced and no cuts every 5 seconds and noises / explosions / annoying blippi people. I think that's the right choice and we're doing well with it.

However, her friends, mostly boys, at day care all like to play spiderman. She gets enough about it to play along in the game. But she has never seen media about spiderman. And hasnt watched anything with violence - thats scary for her.

I'd like to share the character with her to help her with fitting in - while sticking to our media rules, in a kid friendly way. My first thought was comic books - but even those are pretty advanced for a 4 year old. I could edit down one of the spiderman movies into a few clips and show that.

But - would appreciate your suggestions. Do you have any spiderman books / media that you think are age appropriate?


Guess we'll find out lol


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My partner feeds them a fine amount but occasionally I will feed them more as they’re still hungry then they nap for 2-4x longer. Is this potential food comma healthy? They exhibit no unhealthy signs and are happily eating until they refuse food, so they recognize their own fullness

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