John Oliver did that
Of course. The one and only that seems to work for me. Great.
Time & time again people can't comprehend that companies need revenue to survive, especially for Mozilla's sake, their > transparency has only harmed them by letting ignorant people see things like this & blindly make assumptions.
The team behind Mozilla is insanely under paid & under appreciated, please keep up the amazing work. ❤
I agree with this. Developers need to eat and pay rent too.
Reading shit like "fuck Mozilla" and "Mozilla is dead" pisses me off extremely. That is just ignorant.
The fact that this title is something that is actually happening right now in our reality is giving me an aneurysm.
They did. The putin friends have left with Wagenknecht and moved to the BSW. The current Left hates Putin.
ffs. maybe time the lemmy community / mods implements a kind of blacklist for shit like this. 1 or 2 strikes and perma-ban of links to it.
The article is a mess that doesn't know what it wants and repeats itself multiple times. Almost reads like AI wrote this.
Aren't Mastodon instances maintained by volunteers in their spare time? I can't imagine how they manage to continue moderating it once there are ten thousand or millions of users on it. At least the moderators on Twitter were paid. It was their job. I think people massively underestimate how much work this is.
What a colossal waste...
Because they are surprisingly comfortable, I actually wear them all the time in the house.
You make a very good point that i have not considered yet. Thank your for bringing this to attention.
Most modern GPUs barely even use the full 4.0 bandwith. Hell, even 3.0 is still enough in many many situations.