If you've ever read the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy then you'd already know these bastards are just gonna peace out when things get real. So long and thanks for all the fish they'll say as they abandon us to our untimely demise.
joined 2 years ago
I can't help but think how much science fiction had stories where a civilization created machines to make their lives easier until there was no one left who knew how the machines worked or anyone who could fix them.
Those stories always seemed so far away yet here we are at the beginning with LLMs and machine learning.
He may not notice the financial loss but at the amount of money he's trying to amass money isn't the point. Power and control are the point. If his companies go under he'll loose a lot of power and influence and I'm not sure his ego could handle that. He seems to crave attention of any kind. I'd be happy if he were reduced to a regular very rich guy with nothing of consequence to say anymore.
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I can hear their slogan now: 'He's lovin it'
I'll bet the ice cream machine was working that day