A different one, although I'd prefer not to dox myself. Thankfully we still had running water (although those with well water did not), but I know what you mean about gasoline. The national guard had to be posted at gas stations as they came back online.
An actual hurricane took out my power for a week and blocked roads near me for days.
Despite doing recycling where I live, they explicitly do not recycle glass. Safety hazard, maybe?
TimeShift, an FPS from the Xbox360/PS3 era. It was my first PS3 game played on an HDTV. The time mechanics were fantastic, the graphics were amazing to me at the time, and it was a surprisingly fun time. I would be so happy with a remake/spiritual successor.
I've actually been wanting to try Disco Elysium. Thank you for the opportunity!
I won't lie, usually Christmas is my favorite time of year. Something about the music, getting to see all my family, and trying to find inventive ways to make friends and family happy through gifts always cheers me up. Never really had the money to go all out, but the spirit was there.
This year I just do not care. Usually I listen to dozens of hours of Christmas music and this year it is less than 2 hours so far. I'm not looking forward to giving or receiving gifts; it just feels so formulaic and rabidly consumerist. My usual comfort movies hold no interest for me. I'd skip it if I could. And all of that was before my grandmother died this past Saturday.
I had actually assumed they stopped supporting it so I kept mine unplugged for a year or two. Turned it on the other day on a whim and was surprised by having to wait on a new update.
Walmart (US) a while back. I think it was advertised for small dogs.
Fate/Zero is the best place to start in my opinion. And a fantastic show.
Edit: And if you wanted to watch it from "the beginning" you could try Fate/Stay Night UBW, but Fate/Zero is a prequel to that (and better).
As long as it doesn't hinder his "elbows" any or touch his ears, he's fine with wearing most costumes/sweaters/shirts. We actually like to joke that he likes them, but I'm pretty sure he's at best just thankful for the additional warmth.
No leaves, but he's wearing a sweater so that counts.