Because Australia were mega fans, so they invited us :3
I agree 13 -19 in English are out of place, and 11-12 are left over from duodecimal, however changing some spoken order is way less cursed that doing fraction multiplication.
I for one, would love if we started saying ten-one, ten-two, etc.
This small part of Danish is definitely fair game to tease. It's all in good fun!
I hate that saying "they are fascists" is not at all in the slightest hyperbole :(
WTF is this timeline?
Hmmm, I better send a suggestion letter to the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) to put the tax bracket breakdown directly into your return with the amounts populated.
Hey, they give us a breakdown graph of where our tax is going, this seems like it's within the realm of possibility.
I think sadly there are also many people here who have no idea how tax brackets work...
As someone who prefers not to drive where possible, and in a country where manual for regular cars is not common, why do people think manual is so great?
Gives you some more control on your gears, sure. But heck, the only time I ever, ever need it is going up or down very steep hills - for which there are low gear settings on most cars which you can switch on for those moments.
For most people, it's just a massive waste of time to learn, when an engineered solution already exists and presumably doesn't add significant enough cost to be worth not having it (I assume, because of the lack of demand, here).
Is it just, for the "love of driving"? Okay fair enough, but that's your hobby then, not sure why we need to like it also
In any case, do enlighten me because I don't get it haha
And if anyone doing these illegal deportations is tried, and even convicted, the president can just pardon them.
Presidential pardons are dumb and were always waiting to be abused, change my mind.
Why does this exist lol
This is me. I've always been too lazy to switch (I have some of the worst hardware for it. I'm running my old surface pro into the ground and have hardly any internal storage so hard to dual boot for testing).
But now, well hey, Windows 11 is stupid, windows 10 has been spying since forever.
Linux it is, thanks Microsoft for giving me the push I needed.
You know, later in the year. When I have to.
I'm only human
Thanks for the summary! I'm not using conservative in the US sense (which yeah, doesn't really have left-wing parties with any power), but more as a catch all for parties in the anglosphere such as: Australia: Liberal/National, UK: The Tories and I suppose for NZ: the Nationals and ACT.
They're practically aligned on most policies whenever I hear about each.
Just thought: there's no way a left-leaning party would think of rolling back something as obvious as making wage theft a crime.
And I'm not surprised I guessed right haha
and current parties are discussing rolling them back to 'support small businesses' from having to do that
Having not looked into the current parliament (I'm from Australia), let me guess, the conservatives?
This sounds like a great way to get innocent people killed