joined 11 months ago
Pretty sure it is, here.
Btw, what model is it?
To be fair, that "self" neither does what the boss tells it. Like, going earlier to sleep (lol, no) or eating less in main meals.
Dating apps aren't working time, alright.
Or she's doing fine and has gotten ugly.
What's this pokemon?
Wait, alienating former allies is part of the plan?
- Single-digit million lines of code (~5M, let’s say)
- Somewhere between 100 and 1000 engineers working on the same codebase
- The first working version of the codebase is at least ten years old
Things like this is where the company can save money by scraping it and start from scratch, this time doing it right.
The friseur that told me on telephone they don't do reservations and once i got there, i waited a whole hour.