People are more similar than they are dissimilar regardless of where you look, I’ve found.
Thanks for keeping me honest; that’s what I get for not checking the source of the quote
the kids are okay
Pitting the gold speculators against the cryptobros?
Let them fight
You’re not confused, the quoted person just doesn’t know how anything works. They’re a Republican voter, after all
Illegal you say?!? Oh no! Anyway…
What makes it even more dumb is the guy they’re mad about existed in real life. Weird as fuck to care about something like that
Thank god there have never been any Nazis in the Russian armed forces…
It’s nice that Utkin is dead at least, but if you think he’s the only Nazi in the Russian services I have a bridge to sell you.
How did I know he was going to look like a thumb before opening the story?
I remember there being a show like this. The guy would get a newspaper from the future and try to stop the front page tragedy from happening. Think it was called Early Edition?
This one is extra dumb, even by ml standards.
This all reads like a fantastic affirmation of my leaving twitter