Not me but a friend stopped watching a show because they mentioned a country (just mentioned as in 1 sentence) and for them it was propaganda lol
Mo season 2, amazing.
But it's Nazi town, they'll be confy there
As long as it's online and public they can acces the info. But we have tools to fight back. Some instances are private unless you're a member, some choose to defederate, we can ban bots, etc
Nothing is perfect, it's always an ongoing struggle.
It's not. We're just more aware of it.
Don't give in to despair!
Interesting and sad
Something that was getting shared a lot once (not too sure how true) that the whole "lion is the king of the jungle" thing was pushed by the Church in Europe to counter the pagan cult of the bear. The bear was basically worshiped as an embodiment of strength, saying that he's not the strongest tarnished his image.
My comment was not meant to be serious. The guy also could have also been joking or something
He means that he's not afraid of criticizing Trump's government. Like he's waiting for the flood of supporters to attack him lol
Exactly, like I agree with him on principle but it's too time consuming.
I have a friend who resets his passwords whenever he connects. So he only remembers one password, that of his email. He claims it's safer this way.
Sweet, I'll check them out.