
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

People need to understand that not everyone has the disposable budget to buy tons of SSDs/HDDs for storage, the internet speed to download episodes and the time for said downloads.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

It has not been a good year for anime streaming sites.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

What a stupid fucking reply.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Thankfully, he can't. He was born in South Africa.

So, that's a good positive.

[–] [email protected] 70 points 3 months ago (18 children)

Big Pharma is the only reason people die from...anything.

These people play God.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I do, but why explain to an asshole who decided to be an asshole just out of the blue for a simple comment? Bye.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

$6 currently with MyTello. It's a 2GB data plan and I think maybe 300 minutes if I'm not mistaken. $10 if I decide to make it 2GB data and unlimited text/minutes.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

You can make friends at the workplace. It's making relationships at the workplace is tricky waters. You don't want to break up with someone where you'll have to see them everyday.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

The moment I hear of some form of abuse or manipulation coming into the picture. If you're being abused, manipulated or both at any degree and for however long - get the fuck out.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Muscle Memory.

Plus, I go by a chain or series of passwords. For example, I'll have a series of passwords that begin with P@ or something and I'll branch off from that.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I thrift for a fair number of things so, I'm not that affected. 86% of the things in my apartment are through thrifting. The only things I know I'm going to probably wrestle with at times is groceries and newer things I would actually need like some appliance or something breaks down. It depends.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Should've been codified back in 2015. The fuck, Obama.


Being able to just simply move on from something as easily.


Quitting jobs

Everyone has a job they don't like and whenever someone complains about the job that they do, there's always are going to be handfuls of people saying "QUIT UR JOB!" not really caring about whether it'll benefit the complainer or not.

Quitting a job cold is one of the dumbest things you can do when you do not have any safety nets. No savings. No jobs lined up. Nothing planned. You are putting yourself back to a place of uncertainty and it's not pleasant when that countdown starts. That countdown is tied to how much you have left to cover your expenses fully until you get another job and how long those expenses will pile up.

Because all it takes is one or two missed paychecks to upset your financial stability and the system you've made in how you pay for things.

For some people, unfortunately, quitting jobs is not as simple of an option. People are just jammed into where they are because their job market is poor or it's highly competitive even when they went to college for that job.


Contrary to my distaste for them, but I wouldn't mind advertisements now and then. By now and then, I mean, like once every other hour or if they're displayed in a way that isn't obstructing. Obviously that is not how they are these days.

I know companies need to still get out there and be known but I do not need to know that much and I don't really care of your business if I have to hear, see and have spoken to me of it at every single turn. I would especially love it, if everything wasn't a paywall to not see any.

Advertisements are just simply a disease.


Funko Pops, to me.

I understand that some of them are fairly overpriced, but I also really like them as is. It doesn't work on all characters, but it sometimes work on a lot and there's so much representation and variety that it's good to have a few.

If people want to talk about waste of plastic and vinyl, they should bark at the companies who make teeny tiny figurines that serve no purpose and have so little detail that spending any money on them is a waste.


Jay Graber wrongly said you needed to be 18 to use Bluesky, when the actual age limit is 13.


The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act, S. 2140, (PERA), sponsored by Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Chris Coons (D-DE) would be a huge gift to patent trolls, a few tech firms that aggressively license patents, and patent lawyers. For everyone else, it will be a huge loss. That’s why we’re opposing it, and asking our supporters to speak out as well. Patent trolling is still a huge, multi-billion dollar problem that’s especially painful for small businesses and everyday internet users.


Like, do you extend the lease? Return the vehicle and try aiming for a different dealership?


Going to be interesting times, in a bad way. Everyone knows now in the US the newly appointed FCC chairman is going to be Brendan Carr, who is against the idea of Net Neutrality so we expect that to go away again similarly to how Ajit Pai got rid of it when he was around.

Should anyone be worried about what this guy can do? Will he carry on the fight for entertainment industry's interests?

Okay, can we focus on the subject matter instead of just devolving it into a stupid meme and treating this platform like it's reddit? Come on, grow up and I've blocked half of you already.


Dial-Up internet. Unfortunately, it's still here because the ISPs continue to fail to deliver on the promise of expanding broadband over and over.

And because of that, it's no wonder internet isn't expanded to everywhere in the country of USA.


Today I'm donating my streaming sticks. I got a ONN brand 2k one I bought for 15 and I got an Amazon Firestick 4K I got for $3 from a thrift store because they didn't know what it was.

And I love the concept of stream sticks, I really do. Too fucking bad that corporate interests got in the way and now everything has to have a bundle of ads at every damn turn. Not even some of the things I'm subscribed to is free from ads because this is the future apparently, we're here.

Shame because I don't want to let these go and even if I were to subscribe to Netflix's ad-free subscription, that's only one source. Why do that when I can just grab a long HDMI cable, plug it into my desktop and to my TV and I can watch everything that's there, without ads because of the extensions I use to block ads.


Some of these things may sound a little exaggerated, but I'm not going to put it pass anyone considering who we're going to be dealing with in these 4 years.

I'm expecting nutrition labels to be poorly regulated and to be informationally false or fabricated. Because we'll have health "experts" who don't care about people's health.

There'll be a lot of sissy slapping among the rich who're fighting moreso over their ideas in what the best course of action that'll benefit them, than it is to benefit country.

Domestic dispute cases will more likely be thrown out or not focused on because this country has shown as to how many misogynists and incels that there are.

I was playing Half-Life 2 recently and for some reason, the vibes of that game reflected the vibes that we're going to be facing. While not exactly, it'll be a similar atmosphere, where we'll be clinging to whatever escapism outlet that we can find to ignore it all.

(This is USA...for the people who're like "DUHHHHH")

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