This feels like a “tell me you’re from a left-leaning state without actually saying it”. Do you know how many people grow up with shitty conservative parents and want to be nothing like them? You sound like conservatives saying they don’t care if children of Hamas members die because they’d just grow up to be terrorists anyways.
A lot of us with conservative families would prefer not to be lumped in with them, not everyone follows their parents footsteps, especially with conservative ones.
He was a physician seeing patients the next morning, so he was the worst person to try and force to take another flight
I’m a healthcare worker and everyone I work with mocks Covid and being precautionary, let alone even acknowledge that long-COVID exists. I can’t imagine having long-covid and having to deal with the massive amount of healthcare workers thinking you’re full of shit. It’s actually shocking sometimes to see how many healthcare workers and doctors are completely ignorant.
She’ll have the smugness wiped from her face when she gets the Rudy Giuliani treatment lol
There it is. I wondered when they’d start openly supporting Russia’s invasions instead of pussyfooting around it. After all, why would they be against something they want to do themselves to Canada, Greenland, Mexico…
The lack of communal spaces has also had a devastating effect on young adults. Young people are increasingly lonely and isolated, and I think that makes them 1000% more susceptible to pipelines that lead them to being incels and/or MAGA idiots. Even if they don’t do that, it’s caused depression/anxiety rates to skyrocket and people don’t know how to have normal relationships with their peers, be it romantic or platonic. People don’t know how to support each other meaningfully. Online social interactions are a shit substitute for real life relationships.
It’ll be hard not to shed a tear when they start pillaging Alaska for more oil reserves. It’s already devastating seeing what’s happening to the national parks. The one good fucking thing the US has managed to keep is our national parks intact and I’m really gonna hate seeing that fall apart. We have some beautiful land here that I’m sure some billionaires would love to turn into their vacation homes
Yes absolutely. “Ironic” communities were visited by people who didn’t know they were ironic and took it as sincere. Too many people acquire their political opinions through shitposts “for the luls” and now we have conservatives cheering about how much of a “troll” Trump is when they should be concerned that our most important institutions are being dismantled to “own the libs”. No one takes anything serious anymore and I don’t think the solution to that is more absurdity.
There’s a million reasons for a story to exist. All of them are important and all of them matter. I’m gay myself and sometimes I want a “Miseducation of Cameron Post” and other times I just want a “Gentleman Jack”. Sometimes escapism keeps us from losing our minds while going through shit
Holy shit imagine not having a “code blue” team at a hospital, that’s actually insane and would be completely unacceptable. Those patients would very likely not be able to make the transfer.