In 1850 it took 35 days to cross the country by rail and they were 11 years away from civil war.
In 2023 it took 3.5 days to cross the country by rail, and we were 1.1 years away from civil war.
Talk to and listen to people around you. Don't just try to change their minds without first seeing (and convincing them that you see) their point of view. As senseless as this situation seems, people do have their reasons. It's only when we understand what drives each other that we have a basis for cooperation.
... and now Switzerland for having a positive trade balance without tariffs:
Fun fact, facebook was originally only for college students, requiring an email address that ended in ".edu"...
Then our parents showed up on facebook, and we noped out. Then facebook sold all of our parents' facebook data to Donald Trump. Then Donald Trump parroted our parents' facebook data back at them through Twitter. Then our parents' thought, "Hey he really gets us"....
We should not have noped out.
...maternally via mitochondrial DNA