It's considered a red flag even socially to not have social media. People are crazy.
Oh noooo! Not the library!!! Now Canada will have to agree to be annexed /s
Exactly. Stop letting Russia dictate.
I'd consider your consideration excessive.. Most people would, I think. I can recognise my own over thinking, in that I can get stuck in loops which go nowhere and only annoy me.
The reason I asked is that I've spoken to someone about this before, both of us had a similar over consideration, but he also moralised his every action, thought and feeling excessively due to an illness called pure O, a variant of OCD. So I thought that might be worth looking into, but otherwise, like I said initially, in my experience this over consideration (or overthinking) is a feature of (a variety of) smart people.
You have to kind of come to the conclusion that you're only a puny human with ultimately a puny human intellect. You aren't ever going to come to a satisfying conclusion... Which can be a conclusion, if not satisfying.
Dont you think society has gotten less racist as time has gone on? Less misogynistic too (though less noticeable there). I've noticed even in my lifetime, though progress is slow and there are pockets of resistance and some backsliding, like Andrew Tate.
I think it's too risky now to consider anyone but an old white guy (this is assuming a fair election even takes place). I wouldn't put it past the American public to vote in another MAGA rather than a woman.
Brown noser extraordinaire
Red Tories in MAGA hats
Do you consider the morality of your thoughts and actions excessively?
At this point their only option is to kiss his ass and remind him they voted for him
I dont care. Its funny that theres a pope for the Catholics but none of the other religions get an excuse to be in the news.
But he's only as much of a hypocrite as they are.
What possible justification could there be for that?