Should have gone the Québec route and removed NSF charges.
Those are both Canadian medians, but that doesn't invalidate your lived experience.
hE's JuSt DoInG iT fOr ThE pEnSiOn
We know Pierre isn't in it for the pension.
Because he qualified for his 15 years ago at the age of 31.
New snowbird destination?
And only $16k/year for a car in Canada! $2. 5k less than the average Canadian mortgage, what a bargain!
Nothing brings frenemies together like a real enemy.
I think some people just think he looks a little too non masculine while obviously being attractive, some people really hate that.
I'm upset that this man is attractive and doesn't have a square jawline. This is obviously wokeism destroying the contemporary male beauty standard!
And now it's leading me down a strange path I don't like where Timothy Chalamet and Jason Momoa are both hotties in the same movie. We need to bring an end to this.
If it's an error code I've worked around before, apply same troubleshooting.
If its a new errror code, search the error code to see how other people solved it.
If no one else has solved the error code, try analogous troubleshooting, post results online with the error code name, successful or not.
YEGers can't be choosers.
Montréal is the mountain.
Montréal is also the name of the island
Montréal is also the name of a city on the island
Montréal is also the name of the CMA that surrounds the island
Montréal is also the name of a park on the mountain of Montréal that's in the middle of the city of Montréal that's on the island of Montréal inside the CMA of Montréal.
West Montréal can go fuck itself.
I mean, i wouldnt be opposed to it; but only because I'm anti-monarchist, not because I want to be a yank.
I'd guess shockingly similar to non-global scale conflict with social media.