Bold of you to assume he has that kind of wrist strength
pRoBaBlY sTaRtEd By TrUdEaU
Do they manufacture turntables?
Wow dude, that cuts me deep.
I've always been intolerant of intolerance
Someday saying "intellectually disabled" will draw horrified gasps from people who will berate you for not using "cerebrally unenfranchised"
You know idiot, moron and imbecile were replaced by "retarded" as a less offensive way of expressing those terms? Kind of funny that things have flipped and the original offensive terms can be used with abandon but the less offensive replacement is now the thing that can't be said.
No, that's Bill Smitherson, long-time Ohioan and car parts manufacturer who moved to Arizona after he took early retirement to work in film production.
He was Paulie, but only up until last week.
To be fair, it's been yesterday everywhere already
Dash that money
His mom says he's cool