Those countries also have economic and otherwise incentive to agree with the world hegemon, the US.
The anglophone corporate media that is pushing out the atrocity propaganda (well, was, China reopening put a real damper on their stories) also has financial incentive to produce propaganda about the main rival of the US.
Even the worse claims say that the "repression" is over, and have never included mass murder, so I dont know what you're on about.
I guess I should ask, why do you have faith in US affiliated media reporting on this, considering that the US has a vested interest in destabilizing China, and obviously cares very little for the lives of Muslims?
Also, just look at it from a historical basis. Has any anti-terrorism program that revolved around repression ever worked, and not just created more terrorism? Does China have a reality altering device that lets them do repression without creating more terrorism, or have you been lied to, given that terrorism has precipitously declined as China has invested in their counterterrorism program primarily based around improving the material conditions in the region?