You know you're doing the right thing when you have to instruct your employees not to wear your brand to avoid confrontation.
Thank you for this labor of love
I live in Denver and in 2020 there was a proposed bill to limit abortion access. I had a vague idea of what TST did so my desperate googling landed me on their membership page. Now I keep my religious abortion ritual card in my pocket, just in case.
Which is fine because you can join another.
I relate to this, I am in a number of support groups on Reddit. I ended up just making the knitting community here because I didn't know what I was doing and now I'm a mod. I really want to set up a c/stopdrinking community here but that's a mod role I am not willing to take on.
There's no way I'm going to read all of that but I scanned it and caught a "I have many gay friends" and said ayup, there it is.