
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 18 hours ago

I use a correct horse battery staple generator to get inspiration for user names. I got "paid" (or salary or something like that) and "cheese" in one result. It was one small adjustment to get here. For personal reasons, the idea that I'm paid in cheese is hilarious to me.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

No. If the versions of reincarnation where your placement in your incarnation is the result of your past deeds (or trying to release the sense of guilt over those deeds), the incarnation itself is doing the work. Making things worse for the person might clear up their "karma" faster (using that term advisedly) so the vengeance aspect isn't satisfied by making things worse for them.

I don't think vengeance ("punishment") is justice anyway. I think it's important that we let state level actors know what terrible pieces of shit they are in this life. This gives them the opportunity to make some recompense in a way that might actually help the victims. Not that making George W. Bush spend the rest of his life feeding orphans in Iraq could possibly make up for what he's done (note: every U.S. president who has served during my lifetime has been a war criminal; I just don't feel like getting into an unrelated argument).

Ensuring justice (reputational and restorative) in this lifetime also discourages shitty behavior from others.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Not necessarily my favorite TNG episodes exactly but some of the best demonstrations of the philosophy of Star Trek (among the ones that haven't already been mentioned at this point):

  • The Quality of Life
  • Half a Life

I'll second Darmok, The Measure of a Man, and Drumhead.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Five (seven counting instances that have gone down or will soon). I've got an account each on Glitch-Soc, Vanilla Mastodon, BookWyrm, Sharkey, and Lemmy (this one). I plan to add Friendica, GoToSocial, and Ibis to my flock of accounts. I may add a snac2 or Hollo if I decide to add some self-hosting to the mix. Not sure I'll bother with PeerTube or Pixelfed.

What can I say? I've become a bit of a nerd about ActivityPub and I want to try (almost) everything out. 😱


CBP searched a French scientist's phone and found messages critical of the Trump administration and its treatment of scientists. They confiscated his phone and computer and sent him back to Europe.

CBP found messages criticizing the Trump administration’s treatment of scientists, which, according to the agency, “conveyed hatred of Trump & could be qualified as terrorism.”

Direct link to Le Monde article.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

I'm still pretty new and I've only tried one mobile client so far. I'm pretty fond of Mlem. It seems to do what I need it to and it's pretty intuitive for me. Although it only works on iOS so that might not be useful for you depending on your mobile situation.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

We are all KenM on this blessed day

[–] [email protected] 15 points 6 days ago

Usually, I have to let the cat fur accrue over months. That's such a time saver!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

bigclivedotcom - I have no idea what he's talking about 90% of the time but he's generally a relaxing watch.

Ali Spagnola and Aging Wheels aren't quite what you're describing in terms of being calm and chill but I still love their stuff.

Seconding others' recommendations for Technology Connections, TheCrafsMan, Cathode Ray Dude, and Techmoan.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

I've been both a line employee and a manager. My answer depends on the situation.

I worked "everything except manager" in a restaurant that sold beer by the pitcher. There's a local law that says you can't sell "floaters" (a pitcher of beer with a cup of ice floating in it). Most customers who wanted one were capable of asking for a cup of ice like an adult so they could assemble it themselves if they wanted. This one guy got hot as hell about it. I told him, sternly, that it was illegal for me to serve him a floater but I'd happily bring him a cup of ice and what he did with it after I dropped it off was his business as far as I was concerned.

That shut him up. He left a tip of like ... 37 cents or some shit so I paid to wait his table that night. That was as much as I was ever going to get out of him so I figured I did alright there.

With things that weren't against the law, I'd tell them sweet as can be "That's against our rules but I'll go ask my manager to see if I can make an exception." You can imagine for yourself how often I bothered actually talking to a manager and how often I did or didn't get or grant an exception. If it actually mattered, I would ask a manager. If an American customer doesn't like your answer, they'll demand to speak to the manager anyway. Telling a customer no before having a manager tell you to do it anyway just invites more of the same. They'll behave even more outrageously next time you see them.

Typically, your manager in a restaurant or retail location has only a fraction more power than you do.

As someone who has managed an in-house support team, if an internal customer is rude, cruel, or demanding to one of my employees or contractors, I won't put up with it. I can and have, politely and firmly, told them they need to behave professionally. I'll happily tell them that we're not the ones who set the rules but we are responsible and accountable if we break them. And I will use my political power to make sure they regret it if they press on.

It sounds like your other, more experienced team member has decided that it probably doesn't matter. Not being a 'Strayan, I can't say whether they're right or not. In an American context (outside of California anyway), I'd probably make the same call. After "checking with the manager." 😉

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I'm not sure whether I agree with the premise but, if I did, my list would include Tim Curry, Jeff Goldblum, Idris Elba, Charlize Theron, Renée Zellweger, Bill Nighy, Jeffrey Wright, and Judi Dench.

Except for Jeff and Idris, I can think of movies for each of them that weren't rescued by their presence. Still, I usually enjoy them anyway.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Didn't have space with the *checks notes* Banea and calling the Klingons on Discovery another species. 😹

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don’t think I’m got now but I’ve been pretty attractive at times. Bullies will bully when and where they think they can get away with it. Especially where it gives them an advantage or a perceived advantage.

I’ve seen it at every level from fast food worker to upper levels of a large company.

Your hotness might affect how obvious a bully is but it can also make you a tantalizing target.

However, I suspect less skilled bullies are more likely to go for easier targets (people who are less conventionally attractive being a subset of folks a bully might find an easier target).


Accidentally came to 196 and, thus, had to post. Enjoy this classic screenshot from the halcyon days of ... ~2 weeks ago.

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