Firefox 131, btw.
To replicate this bug,
go to
tap-hold on one of the documents there,
download link..
Where is it?
It isn't in Downloads..
Firefox says it was downloaded successfully..
OK, so what happens if I Open it?
It opens!!
So, it's saving it to its cache,
& calling that "downloaded", or something??
It's bullying/wrong/abuse, is what it is.
BTW, it doesn't matter if I've tossed all my apps, then rebooted the tablet,
nor does it matter if I toss Firefox & on restarting it just try opening the document in a different private-tab ( open link in new private-tab ), then use the Download button in the top-left:
FF's still fucking me over for the documentation I'm trying to get.
It does seem to be a Heisenbug, intermittent & .. not obvious what the hell the key is, to make it predictable..
Last boot-session it had allowed me to get the Specs .pdf,
but then none of the Application Notes ( damn ALL of them ) appeared in the Downloads folder, when I checked..
Maybe it's seeing if the file has EVER been downloaded, or tried-to-download, & if so, it's vetoing my getting my hands on it?
( if anybody cares:
the Nucleo-64 boards that "Bare Metal C", a NoStarch Press book, works with, apparently include the Nucleo-F091RC board, which may be more powerful than the board that "Bare Metal C" was written for.
I can't remember the details, but this particular board should be compatible, and have more memory, at least.
This microcontroller is the one on the Nucleo-F091RC board.
That is why I want to be reading the Reference Manual & the Programmer's Manual, & all the Application Notes for it..
Someday I'll be able to afford the hardware, too.. : )
PS: If this community wants my bug-report deleted from here,
( & obviously Mozilla removed their bug-reporting feature from Firefox/Android, to eradicate bug-reports from Android FF users )
then remove this, & that's fine.
I've no problem with either way:
world wants it gone,
XOR world permits the bug-report to exist.
_ /\ _
I think it's oblique to what you said:
I think that it's actually cultural-narcissism based, and I'm saying that as a person who discovered that class-narcissism is a cultural-narcissism, at the end of a 25-day hard-line-fast to crack an obstacle in my unconscious-mind..
Cultural-narcissism seems to be a root-rabies in .. all? .. I think so .. of our cultures.
All the "it isn't G-D that is The Only Savior, it is OUR RELIGION that is The Only Savior" narcissisms are examples of cultural-narcissism..
but the US of A made narcissism into its banner, to some extent..
& I think that that, itself, betrayed your culture, & certainly your people..
Remember what the TV-footage of people in the US was like, after Sept 11, 2001?
All the people wearing "superhero" outfits?
Their unconscious-minds asserting through the outfit they were wearing that reality wasn't allowed to treat them as mere-humans?
Their symbol-outfit, or symbol-culture, was supposed to be sufficient?
They were supposed to be inherently immune?
I think it was one of the most-blatent expressions of unconscious-mind's delusion-about-non-equality in recent history.
& I think that ALL national-narcissisms are doing the same thing, in different ways..
I think cultural-narcissism knifes-in-the-back the country it grows-in, inevitably.
"The world doesn't need us" Hoomin, the world needs good people, no matter what country you're in.
The world doesn't need machiavellian nationalism, not ANYone's, right?
But the world NEEDS good people, now, everywhere.
& we need to not break or give-up, until we win..
no matter how many decades this takes.
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