
joined 3 years ago
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

CLIP: CLimate Info Point

2025 Gliwice, Poland

Call for help

We (TePeWu Association) are signing an agreement with city of Gliwice, to set up a "climate infoshop" there (codename SPInKa / CLIP).

We plan to start with an automated infokiosk, placed in public space for everyone to use.

Tech-wise it will be an old laptop with one or two displays (one touchscreen), running a browser in kiosk mode, serving local (federated) instance of dokuwiki (tentatively selected). It will be a prototype for the whole network, all free and open licences ofc.

Now, we are looking for someone to help us create a front/template for such a kiosk, plus somoeone to coordinate the "user experience" design.

If you are such person, please let us know. If you know one, let them know.

Brief summary of the project.

CLIP Community Climate Info-point

Gliwice 2025


  1. To create an open space where interested people can inform themselves in various ways about the various aspects of the All-Crisis and actions to reduce its effects.

  2. A collaborative space where grassroots pro-climate movements and organizations will present their perspectives on an equal footing – without in-fights, proselytizing or competing for support.

  3. A space that connects people who want to know more, meet kindred minds and join in saving the ecosystem.


• Launching a permanent self-service info kiosk in a public space.

• Launching a permanent info point with printed materials and attending volunteers.

• Launching a series of thematic meetings - according to reported demand.


Individuals wishing to gain substantive knowledge about the course of the All-Crisis, and various approaches to combat/mitigate/adapt to it.

Allies and partners

Organizational partner: City of Gliwice

Content partners (open list, pending negotiations)

• Climate Education Foundation:

• Climate Science website:

• Earth at the Crossroads:

• Silesian Climate Movement:

• Pro-climate organizations and movements operating in the area


Tentative schedule

• January/February - arrangements, conclusion of agreements, start of fundraising.

• February/March - preparation of infokiosk (hardware, software, content). • March/April - installation of infokiosk, testing.

• May - launch of the infopoint.

• June - launch of series of meetings.

Sources of funding

• online and offline (non-cash) fundraising.

• money and in-kind donations

• association membership fees

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Folks, we (TePeWu) are looking for some solidarity/volunteer help in the area of UX/UI design and implementation. Topic: self-service climate catastrophy infokiosk, to be put in public spaces.

The platform (tentatively) is DokuWiki.

Now, I have the call for help all nicely wtitten-up in English, and I need some recommendations where to put it. Did not find a fitting community here. Also, I know no website where such calls could be matched with some people able and willing to help. Please advise.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

It all depends on local conditions.

  1. The "last mile" loop will be different in Europe, in Africa, North America or Australia. It shapes your need for speed and range, as well as required safety (how long will it take to get assistance in case of need).
  2. In rural applications you rarely need strictly personal transport. On average it is a 2-5 people and some cargo, with occasional trailer.
  3. Serviceability is an important factor.

For Eastern Europe, where I live, I would recommend a slow (~45km/h) pickup (2 + 1000kg) - the one pictured below. For extended range you can add a PV canopy and even a small gas-powered genset for emergencies.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We need altcoins as long as we interact economically over the net, with people we do not know (or simply with people outside our local communities). If we try to imagine what qualities a "solarpunk coin" should have, what are your thoughts? Do we know any existing coin, checking all boxes? This question is more about political economy of Solarpunk, then its technology.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

You have 20 GB quota with 5 GB daily limit, moderated. Enjoy.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Drop me a link to your channel, let me see it. I can adjust limits, of course.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hello again. Here is the updated map of our "Looking Up!" platform for education, information and inspiration towards community resilience. Pattern language is located there as an independent layer, on top of existing semantic wiki (Software stack to be determined yet). Such approach will allow us to work on it in parallel, independently for general platform development.

My suggestion is: let's meet at (my profile link), where I already started a document collection. We can also use a matrix room, either here or at (my address:

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

In few days I will be announcing our flagship project for 2024. Once it is done, I will get back to the pattern language topic (which also fits nicely as one of "legs" of the said project). Meanwhile, I am looking for other relevant resources, so we will hopefully have something to start with. Hope for your contribution, too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I believe the answer will depend on local circumstances. The copper will always be needed - it is a matter of mix proportions. As long as we can keep the supply chain short-ish and local, we are good.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Great contribution, thank you. I am an admirer of 19th Century engineering and inventions, and it is good to have someone around, to ground me, so to speak. 😆

By your permission, I would like to tap more of your knowledge.


There are two priorities I keep in mind, when thinking about collapse-time technologies.

  • Maintenance complexity, especially in long-run context.
  • Shortening the supply chain.

When it comes to electric power generation and various types of generators, I am very reluctant to accept generators based on rare-earth magnets. First, they are "bloody metals" indeed, mined and refined with extreme hurt to the planet and people. Second, their delivery chain is long and quite centralised which makes them possibly unavailable in case of disruption of the logistic system. While we wait for the US-sponsored program to develop alternative materials, still we can explore two avenues of research:

  • magnets recycling
  • generator constructions that does not need such magnets.

The recycling topic deserves separate consideration, in respect to a hypothesis of the "scavengers civilisation" as the next stage of human history. Meanwhile, we can have a closer look at constructions, using much more sustainable ceramic (aka ferrite) magnets, or no magnets at all.

If we can develop a "DIY" technology to make ceramic magnets, we can combine it with designs from 19th and early 20th Century and create alter-futurist line of more collapse-friendly electricity generators.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Would you care to provide more information?


Anyone into pattern language, to be applied to increase community resilience and preparedness?

There is a multitude of sources, providing technical knowledge and solutions to various needs in the spirit of low-tech, appropriate technology and resilience. Appropedia is surely the most renowned of them, accumulating information from many valuable collections.

However, typically for a wiki, the structure of this vault is more suitable for studying, than for direct implementation.

Let us assume the following scenario:

We plan to build technical infrastructure for a small settlement, located on a particular patch of land. We are moderately tech-capable. We can read and understand a documentation; we can implement it, with some adjustments. But we have no knowledge nor experience broad enough to deep-dive into a wiki and find solutions suitable for our specific situation.

We need a tool to help us somehow connect our context with searching criteria, and to select matching solutions, or at least to shortlist them.

First step toward this goal is to build a structure - a pattern language - starting from various needs to fulfill, and showing logical combinations of technical solutions to be applied.

Based upon such structure, we can try to build guidelines helping to make the whole process of selection semi-automated, with enough space for human consideration and variety of contexts. Using such a guide would lower the threshold both for selection and decision-taking process, and for education, allowing users to grow their knowledge and competences.

Do you know any such initiative being in progress? Or abandoned, that could be revived? Or maybe you would like to co-develop it?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Do we have an XMPP room/muc for all people to chat here?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Come to, let's see how we get along.


Old society is not going to leave the scene peacefully. They will go down kicking and screaming, until their last breath leeching energy and matter from the planet and all of us. When they die anyway, why should they let us survive?

So, should we have a SolarPunk warfare available to defend the planet (including ourselves) against "apres nous, le deluge" strategy of planet destroyers?

There was an attempt to create similar kind of warfare, within the ranks of US Army, of all imaginable places. The 1st Earth Battalion, if not exactly what we may imagine, was certainly planet-oriented.

So, what do you think of the initial question? And if we need it, do you know any examples that could help us answer it and, perhaps, develop the idea towards implementation?


I posted some content in Now, When I try to post it again here, I show it under "These post may be related".

I am more than happy to use cross-posting, but I see no way to do it in either direction. Should I go ahead and post it from scratch or is there any way to crosspost, and I just could'n see it?


Morning coffee musings

Transition / Collapse solutions — how to get most out of collapsing infrastructure.

During slo-mo catastrophe, more and more infrastructure may become unused, but still technically working. This is what we have now with empty buildings / apartments for example. Or some abandoned industrial facilities taken over by their crews.

But there are more technical challenges. If the grid is down, what shall we need to redirect output of a local wind/solar farm to the local community use? How to start running local rail transport? How to salvage content of a logistic centre before it gets marauded? Etc. etc…

The inconvenience here lies in the fact that most of such actions are considered illegal under regular circumstances. But we will need them when conditions cease to be “regular”. I believe we should be able to discuss them under the general category of “civil / civic defense” or “communal resilience”.

What do you think?