Ask Solarpunk

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Welcome to c/AskSolarpunk @!

A Fediverse community to ask open-ended, thought provoking questions.

Rules: (interactive)

We respect the basic rules of the SLRPNK server:

be constructive
there is no need of another internet space full of competition, negativity, rage etc.;
no bigotry
including racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia or xenophobia;

be empathic
empathy is more rebellious than a middle finger;

no porn and no gore
let’s keep this place easy to manage;

no ads / spamming / flooding
we don’t want to buy/consume your commodified ideas;

occasional self-promotion
by active members is fine.

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founded 1 year ago

I tried apps like Klima and Earth Hero. Earth Hero is especially good but I would like to play with the numbers myself for specific scenarios like snapshots of my emissions, planning my next year, logging my specific air travel, hobbies, etc.

If anyone has a spreadsheet model I would be grateful. Otherwise I can build one. Earth Hero gives a lot of references to their source models.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Folks, we (TePeWu) are looking for some solidarity/volunteer help in the area of UX/UI design and implementation. Topic: self-service climate catastrophy infokiosk, to be put in public spaces.

The platform (tentatively) is DokuWiki.

Now, I have the call for help all nicely wtitten-up in English, and I need some recommendations where to put it. Did not find a fitting community here. Also, I know no website where such calls could be matched with some people able and willing to help. Please advise.


Hello! Im wondering if there is another platform where there are more solar punk conversations going on. Love this site, it’s mostly links though and I would like to participate in solar punk conversations/collectives. I’ve seen people mention Lemmy and etherpad instance but I’d have limited tech knowledge.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The reason I'm asking is that, to me, all the ways to get into solar seem really expensive.

Even what many people online call 'cheap' is often beyond my budget.

Is it more about doing a DIY setup, finding recycled solar equipment, or are there other affordable options? Should I just start the self-teaching route and do the work there? I am getting information overload, so I'm not sure where to start.

For context, I'm an older person with an income of less than $25K a year. I work as a teacher's aide in an underprivileged elementary school. So the salary won't increase.

I like what I do, so I'm not complaining, just giving you background to avoid the "get a higher paying job" replies, because I feel the work I do is important to the kids and I want to keep doing it for a little longer.

Is solar realistically within my reach?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We need altcoins as long as we interact economically over the net, with people we do not know (or simply with people outside our local communities). If we try to imagine what qualities a "solarpunk coin" should have, what are your thoughts? Do we know any existing coin, checking all boxes? This question is more about political economy of Solarpunk, then its technology.


Please include whether it's available on Android, iPhone, or a mobile Linux distro!


I've found Facebook marketplace to have a large reach, however I'd like to know if there are any good alternatives outside of Facebook?


Sorry for MS "commercial" but I think about tinkering with the AirSim framework. I suppose that the most pressing issue to solve within UAV technology is air traffic control and navigation of these vehicles to ensure safety.


I want to learn more about #biopunk and #biohacking

What can you tell me about it? Is there a space to discuss them on the fediverse?


Don't get me wrong, having a vegetable garden is still a great thing and far better than buying the monoculture produce shipped from halfway around the world at the store, even if your garden is just for your own family. I don't want to knock that. But to break our reliance on extractivist agriculture as a society requires more than just people with the resources to do it building private homesteads on their private property. Communities providing for each other through the commons is a foundational element of a solarpunk society.

How do we encourage this shift in thinking and doing? What would it take to break down the expectations of private property and that something you've grown is just for you, and create community mindsets where something you've grown can feed people who need it?

Where I live, there are a lot of (mostly retired, suburban, well-off) people with gardens, especially in the summer, but most of them are not involved in FNB or anything like it. It's also not common to emphasize native species. We have a wonderful public market, but most of the people even with veggie gardens don't sell there and only buy there on occasion. The way I've been trying to encourage the public market over grocery stores more has mostly been talking about how great the produce is, how many different things they have, and how convenient it is that the bus runs there. It's still a market, but at least it's small, local growers, and a local org recovers what doesn't get sold for our FNB branch to use (and composts what isn't good, for the local community garden to use) instead of throwing it away. But the only way I can think of to get the idea out there that people should share what they grow is to flat-out say, "you should share what you grow", which doesn't seem like it would win many people over.


I’ve been boycotting PayPal for at least a decade, so I am somewhat out of touch with how they operate. Out of the blue, I received a call at a phone number paypal would not know I had. A bot said:

“This is Paypal calling to confirm the purchase of an iPhone. Press 1 to confirm this order or 2 to cancel” (paraphrasing)

Is that normal? Of course what I would like to know is whether my number was entered by someone as a typo, or whether this signals a malicious act. Or whether the whole call was fabricated and Paypal does not do this. And if it’s a malicious act, am I the victim, or was my phone number randomly entered with someone else as the victim?

If #paypal were on the ball, there would be 3 choices (confirm, cancel [customer changes their mind], or transaction unexpected [i.e. fraud]).



Appreciation post for the small steps that we collectively take to make a difference.

I'll go first: Mending my ripped pajamas instead of defaulting to buying a new pair.


I'm looking to see what coastal areas would be impacted, what regions would get above certain temperatures , etc, we all see sporadic individual images of these predictions in articles online but I wonder if there's a tool for that, ideally open source.


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For those of us in North America, we've all been to a cafe and ordered a beverage to go, only to be met with that familiar "Choose tip amount" prompt...

Then comes the dilemma: do I tip?

My gut reaction is to tip 12% and save face — "I don't want to look like a cheapskate". However, I have never been to this cafe before. Do I really need To Insure Prompt Service after filling my travel mug with joe? Yet, in the back of my head, I know that their employer is paying them as little as possible, guilting patrons like me into filling the gap in their wages.

I'd indignantly prefer to use my tips on the cafe I frequent, the baristas I know, or the times I choose to and not because I was asked. Perhaps withholding it and "voting with my money" for the business owner to pay their staff fairly instead is the best choice.

But they're underpaid.

As you can tell my monologue, I have yet to find an answer to constantly being asked to tip in situations where I would not have of my own accord.

Would you tip?


Pros: decentralized, individualized, all the cool punk buzzwords.

Cons: drastic educational inequality (rich parents have lots more money to homeschool), bad/abusive parents, lack of accountability, lack of social cohesion.



I will update this post as people join in. Here are a few to get started:


I started this community to make it easy to ask each other Solarpunk-flavoured questions and spark thoughtful discussion. I believe that this will be helpful for our questions which don't necessarily fit within the various thematic communities.

All are welcome, regardless of which server you come from (yay, federation!). If anybody has any suggestions/ideas for this community or wants to help out with moderation, feel free to post or PM me; let's keep this collaborative and open.