Jaguars take out their version of big swimming reptile with teeth, but that's in the opposite latitude.
The 'single rescuer' CPR is still taught, and (one) standard says that if the rescuer doesn't want to give breaths by mouth, compressions alone are better than nothing. Giving breaths is still better. Once you have two rescuers, one better be giving breaths. I wish more places had the mouth masks placed with their AEDs. I carry mine around with me, but who the hell actually does that?
The instructions say that chest hair comes off if the pad isn't sticking effectively to the chest. That means shaving if you have a razor, or using the second adhesives (kid/adult sizes usually come in the same AED kit) as ad hoc waxing devices.
Where are you watching these episodes at? I think I watched the first episode on some streaming service a long time ago, and never got around to watching the rest.
I'm pretty sure the love for Warcraft III evenly splits X and Y.
No, not alcohol, but they were at a bar. I'm pretty sure there isn't another substance around (though it could be a star wars analogue, because movie-worlds /eyeroll) that creates bars where people sit around a central area with a bartender serving said substance.
"Wanna buy some death sticks?"
"Happy Cantina Music"
-heard at a bar
Nah, alcohol shares the same boat. There are lots of examples if you really dig into the effects of various things. Alcohol and tobacco just kill you so slowly that it doesn't drop profits.
Weird that the longer bars are worse. It's a cognitive flip, even if what it may represent (carbon footprint, maybe? Fossil fuel expenditure?) is growing with the lower tiers. Oh, and whoever made the poster missed the fantastic opportunity to use Heil! instead of hell.
Customer taste preferences are definitely odd. I liked their pizza before the change, and really liked it afterwards.
Aye, the difference between me, diagnosed in preteens, and my friend, diagnosed at 3, is immense. I still have the odd craving and sometimes indulge with stupid results. She? Never even crosses her mind.
I've thought about doing it. For a while, I was in an area so 'red' that getting even 10% D votes was horrifying to the population. Trust me, you cannot keep up with the outrage porn and virtue-signaling required. Any critical thought will have you being looked at like an alien that just popped out of the moon.
Plus, remember that the parties are private organizations. The people at 'the top' of those organizations, in the local and the state and the federal sense, are the people who decide who will be the next candidate. Unless you have Trump's money, 'charisma,' and luck (read, being able to get free press from media because they're all, gasp, horrified by what you said), you can't break into politics as a R candidate without already knowing / rubbing elbows with those people.