The edgy teenage atheism blues. A classic.
Plastic in my gut
Plastic in my lung
And the other too
Plastic in my blood
Plastic plastic
Plastic in my wiener
And in my seed
Plastic in my telephone
Plastic in my brain
Plastic plastic
Brain plastic
[Edit formatting is hard]
It also includes a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license for the purpose of doing as you request with the content you input in Firefox. This does not give Mozilla any ownership in that content.
It's still in the current version of the TOS without a direct explanation which can be found anywhere close to it. This is plain bad from a communication stand point.
To be fair nobody asked Mozilla to serve a stupid and detached statement without contextualizing what they meant or try to achieve.
[Edit] it feels like they're asking for the outrage. You can't just drop assurances of not selling data without explaining if your crowd is privacy aware. You can't take broad licenses from your users if you don't explain for what they are for. Having plaintext comment next to the lawyer speak would have fixed all that and none of this had to be this shitty. [/Edit]
I would like to recommend the following order of presenting the argument:
I didn't follow your advice because it relays on me not having ADHD and therefore is useless.
I don't know who would make for a good Gollum, but as for what goes into Mt doom, everything, the whole planet, straight into the volcano.
Tastes like mobile screen. 🫠
Foucalt would probably be opinionated on this.
There are four lights! 💡💡💡💡
It feels like a potential security nightmare. If your desktop at work is compromised and you have your domain admin come over and take a look; they might decide not to elevate the whole session, exercising appropriate caution and protocol in doing so, but just wing it with a quick sudo !! because the previous command didn't go through.
I don't quite remember if this works properly, but I think !! should expand to sudo "previous command" at least in bash.
Elon Musk. Now please shoot me. I want it too.
Transparent Windows are like scifi where they print stuff on see through foil. How the fuck is anybody even able to read this?