At least the moderation is very limited
I hate that I have to go to a ghetto grocery store now with police monitors in the parking lot, just to save a few cents, and it's still wildly expensive compared to 2019
I wish life were that simple but being diabetic sucks and beans and rice put me basically in a coma
I'd rather have the wild west of ideas over reddit. So I don't mind em
Like that guy with the Buckies profile pic? lol I see him everywhere
Get the app: sync for Lemmy! It's amazing
I'll take coffee beans please
I'm actually just about to start up my server again on a rp4. It's been like 5 years since I've used it. Is dietpi still the best way to go about making a Plex media server/bare bones desktop environment that I can access with 'no-machine'?
I sear no machine just broke my autoboot setup one day and I never got around to fixing it. What do you nerds think?
I'm not interested in video streaming, just hosting my music collection and audiobooks. I remember FTP being a pain to transfer music files from my phone
By enticing you to pay for their office suite
Idk PlexAmp is the killer app that I can't stop using. Does jellyfin have something similar?