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- Difficult
- Open
- Close
Never been a fan of CCGs as their business models are exploitative and inevitably lead to power creep.
Netrunner and Compile have me sorted for card games for a while.
Don't forget the arse-linking, couch fucking lackey.
Turns out there are stupid questions after all.
Fusili for the consistent sauce-to-pasta ratio.
Edit: Oops looks like Wardacus beat me to it.
~~Don't~~ be evil.
AI is clearly no match for little Bobby Tables.
Seems you're putting too much thought into this. If you really can't come up with one just try a random noun genetrator a few times until you find one you like.
Across the Anglosphere people seem to use "generally" and "genuinely" almost interchangeably these days.
It's "a couple of minutes" not "a couple minutes". Americans tend to drop it for speed, but it kind of fits with the accent I guess.
As far as Americanisms go, this is my least favourite... They seem to be dropping the "go" from the aforementioned and it throws me right off the sentence every time.
Most religions believe in some kind of afterlife. We know that's unlikely to be true which makes this one all the more valuable.