And to add to this it's not only the strength of the economy, but also the effect that the strong economy is having on workers as a plank of his campaign is my biggest gripe. For a good number of people in my region gross wages rose over the last year or two, but nowhere near enough to meet inflation. The base rent alone on non-subsidized units have more than doubled since the pandemic with an anemic response in wages or public assistance. In fact, the wage increases a lot of service sector jobs are seeing has had an unintended consequence of driving people off of public assistance because they're now over the federal guidelines despite below AMI.
Same. Median income in my MSA is only about $34k, and I'd also like to see the education/experience breakdowns for this data.
Who has "pending contempt charge" on their bingo card?
I've never been so aroused in my life.
And much like the beaver, many of our artificial flavors are made from the expressed anal glands of the Dutch.
I'm going to start using this after someone tells me a story or something interesting.
You clearly don't forage at the right grocery store.
So do I.
Right? You're going to sit there and honestly tell me you wouldn't follow the devil? Guys like Tom from MySpace, ya gotta follow him.
Just gave it a try myself and you're right, down to the signing out/back in thing. Interesting.
Not sure if I'll go back if Reddit changes their policies, though. I've actually found myself engaging in posts far more here than I have over the last couple years on Reddit. The smaller communities make it much easier to do so without being drowned out.
You're so brave for being willing to finally say what we've all been thinking.
That's a solid 8/8, bud.