
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

What are you going on about?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

The problem is: what else?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's literally a spectrograph

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Why does this read like a list written by chatGPT?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Italian here

We give a lot of shit to our train system (and rightly so) but it actually works quite well, in comparison to our European neighbours.

Bologna to Milano is a very nice line indeed

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I got that reference!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I agree with you, but why would you make a calla and listen to music at the same time?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Yep, that's exactly what I do

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Change difficulty before levelling up, multiclass, then change difficulty back


Stavo cercando degli zaini da viaggio, in grado di contenere roba per star fuori qualche giorno, ma anche esteticamente carini da poter essere usati tutti i giorni (ho comunque uno stile abbastanza utilitarista, quindi non ho problemi a portarmi in giro uno zaino grosso).

Su Amazon però trovo solo marche cinesone, SZLX, Homiee, Bagzy... che costano relativamente poco, quindi sono best seller, ma i materiali sono decisamente inferiori, e la durata nel tempo è sicuramente limitata.

Avete consigli, magari anche di marche italiane?


Hot pepper haul from my garden


I'm open to suggestions!

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Hex puts a disadvantage on checks, not saves

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I’m curious what led to your decision to build your party in that way? Stats only or conversation options? Plot remixing?

Basically, I like those characters and their interactions haha I will surely keep changing the party for story needs, like I'll do the creche story with Lae'zel and the Karlach encounter with Wyll.

Still, I'm pretty happy with that suboptimal comp: yesterday I managed to beat the spider queen under Blighted Village with a lvl3 party, Shart with 1 lvl1 spell slot, Gale with 2 lvl 2 slots and everyone at less than half hp. Some smart use of bombs and invisible Imp to destroy the eggs, Firebolts to make the spiders fall down and I ended the fight in 3 turns or so, without anyone dying.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago

So that's why salami shows up if I filter for "equipment" in the inventory!


My character is a GOOlock, and I'd like to play with Shadowheart, Gale and Astarion as companions. I'll be open to future companions, like Halsin and Karlach, but I'd avoid Wyll (and possibly Lae'zel, but I could swap her in if necessary) in this playthrough.

What are their best build to syngerize between them? I'd keep their main class, but I'm open to suggestions about spells, abilities and build.


Da secoli ho sempre richiesto un taglio "normale", cioè corto ai lati e dietro, e leggermente più lungo sopra. Però è veramente noioso lol, le donne hanno molte più possibilità per farsi belle, da quel punto di vista.

Io ho i capelli boccolosi che fanno il cespuglio se lasciati crescere (quindi poco estetico e soprattutto molto caldo), e al momento ho una treccina da 25cm stile padawan dietro l'orecchio sinistro.

Idee? Consigli? Cose strane da provare?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  • Che pizza prendete di solito?
  • La tagliate in 4, 6, 8 fette? La piegate a portafoglio? La tagliate con coltello e forchetta o forbici?
  • Vi scofanate il tutto come degli ex carcerati ingiustamente condannati all'ergastolo, oppure avete un metodo certosino?

I asked ChatGPT about a five years music theory and music education course from beginners (not necessarily children, but they would be the main focus for the first two to three years). There would be 30 lessons per year.


Here's a breakdown of the knowledge that students should aim to achieve in each of the five years of the music theory and appreciation course, divided into music theory, music history, and ear training categories: Year 1: Music Theory:

Introduction to staff notation and reading music in treble clef.
Understanding basic rhythms, including whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, and eighth notes.
Identification and understanding of major scales and key signatures.
Introduction to intervals (e.g., major 2nd, minor 3rd) and basic chord construction (major and minor triads).
Introduction to basic time signatures and simple meter.
Basic understanding of musical symbols, dynamics, and articulations.

Music History:

Overview of major music periods (e.g., Baroque, Classical, Romantic).
Introduction to significant composers and their works from each period.
Familiarity with key musical genres and forms (e.g., symphony, concerto, sonata).
Exploration of musical characteristics and stylistic elements from different periods.
Understanding the role of music in society and culture throughout history.

Ear Training:

Development of relative pitch and recognition of major and minor scales.
Identification of basic intervals (e.g., perfect 5th, major 3rd) by ear.
Recognition and reproduction of basic rhythms and melodic patterns.
Development of tonal memory and ability to sing or play back simple melodies.

Year 2: Music Theory:

Further exploration of key signatures, including minor keys and relative modes.
Introduction to diatonic chord progressions and basic harmonic analysis.
Understanding of more complex rhythmic patterns, including syncopation.
Introduction to melodic and harmonic minor scales and their applications.
Exploration of musical forms such as binary, ternary, and rondo.
Introduction to more advanced music notation, including dynamics, articulations, and expression marks.

Music History:

In-depth study of major composers and their significant works.
Exploration of specific musical styles within each period (e.g., Bach's fugues, Mozart's operas).
Understanding the historical and cultural context that influenced music of each period.
Study of important musical developments and innovations throughout history.
Introduction to non-Western music traditions and their unique characteristics.

Ear Training:

Development of pitch recognition through melodic dictation exercises.
Identification and reproduction of more complex intervals and chords.
Recognition and reproduction of rhythmic patterns with varying subdivisions.
Development of melodic dictation skills with longer and more intricate melodies.
Introduction to basic chord progressions and harmonizing simple melodies by ear.

Year 3: Music Theory:

Advanced harmonic analysis, including secondary dominants and modulations.
Introduction to chromaticism and altered chords.
Exploration of more advanced scales and modes (e.g., pentatonic, blues, whole-tone).
Introduction to counterpoint and voice leading principles.
Study of musical texture and orchestration techniques.
Introduction to musical analysis and score reading.

Music History:

Study of influential composers and compositions from different regions and cultures.
Exploration of musical nationalism and its impact on various music styles.
Understanding the development of opera and other vocal forms.
Investigation of significant music movements and their key figures (e.g., Impressionism, Expressionism).
Study of major works from the contemporary and modern music period.

Ear Training:

Advanced melodic and harmonic dictation exercises.
Identification and reproduction of complex chords and chord progressions.
Development of rhythmic dictation skills with polyrhythms and irregular meters.
Introduction to aural analysis of musical forms and structures.
Transcription of melodies and solos from recorded music.

Year 4: Music Theory:

Advanced modal harmony and modal mixture.
Exploration of extended and altered chords (e.g., seventh chords, suspended chords).
Introduction to advanced voice leading and counterpoint techniques.
Study of advanced forms and compositional techniques (e.g., fugue, sonata-allegro).
Understanding of chromatic harmony and chromatic modulation.

Music History:

In-depth study of contemporary and modern composers and their innovative works.
Exploration of experimental and avant-garde music.
Understanding of electronic music and its development.
Investigation of cross-cultural influences and fusion in contemporary music.
Study of film music and its role in enhancing storytelling.

Ear Training:

Advanced melodic and harmonic dictation with chromatic elements.
Recognition and reproduction of complex rhythmic patterns and polyrhythms.
Aural analysis of advanced musical forms and structures.
Transcription and analysis of complex melodies and solos.
Development of improvisation skills in different musical styles.

Year 5: Music Theory:

Advanced harmonic analysis and modulation techniques.
Study of advanced contrapuntal techniques and composition.
Exploration of non-functional harmony and atonality.
Understanding of post-tonal music and serialism.
Introduction to jazz harmony and improvisation.

Music History:

Study of contemporary music trends and movements.
Investigation of minimalism and post-minimalism.
Exploration of world music traditions and their integration into contemporary compositions.
Understanding of music in the digital age and its impact on composition and performance.
Overview of current music styles and trends.

Ear Training:

Advanced melodic and harmonic dictation in atonal and complex tonal contexts.
Recognition and reproduction of complex and extended chords.
Aural analysis of advanced rhythmic and metric structures.
Transcription and analysis of intricate melodies and solos from different genres.
Development of advanced improvisation skills in jazz and other contemporary styles.

Titolo, perché non ne trovo una su lemmy.

Non necessariamente in italiano, anzi, preferirei qualcosa di più international, e la mia domanda è: mi conviene comunque crearla su, oppure è meglio su un'altra istanza? Per creare community su altre istanze posso utilizzare il mio account feddit, oppure è possibile farlo solo con un account legato all'istanza scelta (ad esempio,


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I'm currently using a second hand GTX1050ti (Yeah, I know lmao), and the next big games I really want to play are Baldur's gate 3 and Starfield.

My other specs are quite beefy, since this is also my work computer: Ryzen 9 5900X 64GB RAM ddr4

My monitor has a 1080p resolution, with a 60Hz refresh rate and I'm pretty happy gaming with that. Would an rx6700xt suffice? Is it overkill or just barely enough?



I'm currently using a second hand GTX1050ti (Yeah, I know lmao), and the next big games I really want to play are Baldur's gate 3 and Starfield.

My other specs are quite beefy, since this is also my work computer: Ryzen 9 5900X 64GB RAM ddr4

My monitor has a 1080p resolution, with a 60Hz refresh rate and I'm pretty happy gaming with that. Would an rx6700xt suffice? Is it overkill or just barely enough?


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