Bugs never occur in the high-level/big picture land, it usually come up in the low-level/implementation land. Should you entrust these to AI ?
I think what you need is inspiration, there's so many things to build to improve your skills and broaden your knowledge. Not every project you work on needs to be novel and exciting, even basic things can provide ample complexity to learn new things.
For example, in c++ you can make a basic image viewer that takes the name of a file and displays it, using some library like SDL (or OpenGl/Vulkan(hard)). This would teach you a lot about file formats, dynamic memory allocation and managing it, graphics pipeline etc.
For html and css, you can try to recreate some cool websites you see online. I hope this gives an inspiration(best viewed on PC).
For problem solving there's always leet code, advent of code and other similar services.
There is this god-tier unofficial store called f-droid. Installing app from there is always a joy
And developers move the cost to users by increasing price on ios
- --force-with-lease
It's all fun and games until a git push slides in between...
Aah... Thanks
What's the name of this game ?
Though you give me pain and suffering, C you will always be my beloved.
Yes, but the person asked comparing to nano...
Teleportation: the cursor can be teleport to any line without pressing down key multiple times...
Macro: for repeating a sequence of inputs multiple times...
Tabs: nano can't open multiple files at once i believe...
Split screen(horizontal and vertical)
Themes and plugins
These are a few that comes to mind...
I'd like to see them do visual-block/rectangle selection.