You have found the new movie plot that Hallmark has been looking for.
When you travel, bring as few devices as possible with you. Obviously, you'll bring your phone with you, but leave your laptop at home if you can.
Last time I travelled overseas I took a burner phone without a calling plan, and just used it as a wifi device at the hotel. I used google maps and "offline maps", GPS still worked. Used the phone as a camera, and I would have uploaded anything private and wiped locally but that wasn't necessary.
If anyone at the border had asked, I'd have said it was so I didn't risk losing my phone, and so work couldn't call me up and bug me during vacation.
Great article. It's worth remembering that DNA is only evidence that someone banged, and I imagine there's a fair amount of contact that goes on before that.
A North American group from Colombia
I hope this person just meant to say "Native American", and doesn't really think Colombia is in North America.
(sorry, I've spent the last week proofreading articles...)
Along with Guy of Lusignan and the Knights Templar, Raynald is one of the negative characters in the Kingdom of Heaven, an epic action movie directed by Ridley Scott and released in 2005. Portrayed by Brendan Gleeson,[160] Raynald is presented in the film as an aggressive Christian fanatic who deliberately provokes a conflict with the Muslims to achieve their total destruction.
Mr. Kojima's older than me, so I assume he's exaggerating to make a point. Check out these digital handhelds from 1976-1978:
Not to mention games on home computers like the TRS-80, the Apple II, and (my fave) the TI-994/A, all first released in the late 70s.
But Tron really was groundbreaking, no disagreement there.