You're not realising the implications of refusing to give Palworld it's own identity, are you?
oh I was never really desiring 3D pokémon in the first place so I suppose that coincides with my misunderstanding
The fact that you call em pokémon instead of Pals tells a lot.
Instead we get plagiarism simulator 9000 because it made for great YouTube clickbait.
Cassette Beasts has so much soul put into it, it's a fucking crime that it ain't more popular
Cassette Beasts? TemTem? Digimon? Saying no attempts to fill it were made is disgenuine
He died in 2 turns lmao
It's been quite a long time but iirc there was originally a deal going on between them that got last second tossed out for Fortnite instead. Sadly I don't fully remember
Kind of how Fortnite was a rehash of stolen ideas (originally) of PUBG
The reason people originally hated Fortnite was because not only did they blatantly plagiarise PUBG, Sony also intentionally screwed over PUBG to make Fortnite more popular
Exactly. Cassette Beasts and various other indie games have made bigger rounds before.
The only reason Palworld got popular was because of clickbait youtubers
"Niche games mean nothing"
Digimon is niche to you? The multimedia giant with multiple shows, frequent game releases, merchandise and even a card game which blew up in the TCG scene? The vital bracelet? Digimon Survive? Everything?????
Have you been living under a rock? Digimon had a huge resurgence in the last few years.
I mostly found Palworld fans obsess over Palworld and force it into every conversation.
Oh god
We are getting hit by "What Pikachu is that" from the younger generation now, just like we did back then by our parents ʘ‿ʘ