What went wrong with telegram? Which error?
What server are you hosting? Synapse probably.
I went conduwuit and was quite easy: https://wiki.gardiol.org/doku.php?id=matrix%3Astart
Yes! Absolutely (* didn't check all existing bridges, so... Maybe not all of them)
This is my wiki, no Fb bridge, but telegram, WhatsApp, discord and signal bridges yes
Check the sidebar, its closed by default on mobile.
Conduwuit is actively developed and works pretty nice for me. Single user, but bridged to hundreds of telegram, WhatsApp and discord rooms. As well as a few matrix rooms too.
Feels like fud.
Matrix is a set of standards and governed by an open foundation https://matrix.org/foundation/about/
Also there are many different server implementations and its hard to believe they all send your data to some third entity. In other words, what is stated by that link is just plain false. Not to mention that today there are quite many clients as well and I find the bridge point a bit... Idiotic.
You are free to use matrix.org but makes way more sense to self host your instance, and maybe not even use Synapse but something more "modern" as server.
Sunday I be the pacer for a friend to run a 10k together...
I started with an old and half-broken laptop. Keyboard war busted.
Worked fine for months, then choosed to upgrade because I started hosting jellyfin and the laptop was unable to transcode on the fly...
You are fine with whatever hardware you have lying around... You can always grow later
Keep an eye for energy consumption tough... Too old stuff might be less efficient running 24/7 depending on your kW/h cost.
Do you really need a container for Samba?
I see the benefits of containers, but a use would be overkill.
Then you have issues with telegram, because I sure get a confirmation code each time I login on a different device, on telegram...
Have you hidden or silenced telegram chat on telegram?
Love summit, glad to hear this welcome evolution.