
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 hours ago

Love summit, glad to hear this welcome evolution.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

What went wrong with telegram? Which error?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago

What server are you hosting? Synapse probably.

I went conduwuit and was quite easy:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago

Yes! Absolutely (* didn't check all existing bridges, so... Maybe not all of them)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago

This is my wiki, no Fb bridge, but telegram, WhatsApp, discord and signal bridges yes

Check the sidebar, its closed by default on mobile.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Conduwuit is actively developed and works pretty nice for me. Single user, but bridged to hundreds of telegram, WhatsApp and discord rooms. As well as a few matrix rooms too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Feels like fud.

Matrix is a set of standards and governed by an open foundation

Also there are many different server implementations and its hard to believe they all send your data to some third entity. In other words, what is stated by that link is just plain false. Not to mention that today there are quite many clients as well and I find the bridge point a bit... Idiotic.

You are free to use but makes way more sense to self host your instance, and maybe not even use Synapse but something more "modern" as server.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Sunday I be the pacer for a friend to run a 10k together...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I started with an old and half-broken laptop. Keyboard war busted.

Worked fine for months, then choosed to upgrade because I started hosting jellyfin and the laptop was unable to transcode on the fly...

You are fine with whatever hardware you have lying around... You can always grow later

Keep an eye for energy consumption tough... Too old stuff might be less efficient running 24/7 depending on your kW/h cost.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Do you really need a container for Samba?

I see the benefits of containers, but a use would be overkill.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Then you have issues with telegram, because I sure get a confirmation code each time I login on a different device, on telegram...

Have you hidden or silenced telegram chat on telegram?


Following a suggestion i saw last day on a post here i have installed AList ( and... guys it rocks!

It is file manager, both browser and WbDAV based. It can be configured with a ton of storages, so you can merge local and remote shares in the same place... You can use LDAP, OIDC and local authentication... WebDAV just works without hassle or fuss...

Moreover it's a chinese project and i got rolling over more than once trying to decypher the pseudo-english documentation.

Very easy to install too..

As usual, here is my wiki page:

My fourth time! (

There it is:

I feel so lucky!

Every time a different instance...


I host a minecraft bedrock server user by the family to play, from ps4 and android.

Adding a windows client, do i need to pay again to play? I mean, the price of the windows Minecraft client is... Unbeliable. And we already purchased the android client and the ps4 client...

I tried to look around for a cracked windows client but with no luck.

Is it possible? Anybody running a cracked Minecraft client on windows? No need for online play except connect to our self hosted server ...

Self-hosting minecraft (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi! I want to selfhost a minecraft server for my kid and hjs friends. I havent played minecraft in quite a few years ...

Where do I start to self host one?

I am already seflhosting lost of stuff from 'Arrs to Jellyfin and Immich and more, so I am not asking on how to do it technically, but where to look for and what to host for a proper Minecraft server!

Edit: choosed to setup this and so far, super smooth and easy peasy!


Hi fellow self-hoster.

Almost one year ago i did experiment with Immich and found, at the time, that it was not up to pair to what i was expecting from it. Basically my use case was slightly different from the Immich user experience.

After all this time i decided to give it another go and i am amazed! It has grown a lot, it now has all the features i need and where lacking at the time.

So, in just a few hours i set it up and configured my external libraries, backup, storage template and OIDC authentication with authelia. All works.

Great kudos to the devs which are doing an amazing work.

I have documented all the steps of the process with the link on top of this post, hope it can be useful for someone.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have a remote VPS that acts as a wireguard server (keys omitted):

Address =
[Peer] # self host server
AllowedIPs =

(The VPS is configured to be a router from the wg0 to it's WAN via nft masquerading)

And i have another server, my self-host server, which connects to the VPS trough wireguard because it uses wireguard tunnel as a port-forwarder with some nft glue on the VPS side to "port forward" my 443 port:

Address =
AllowedIPs =

(omitted the nft glue)

My self-hosted server default route goes trough my home ISP and that must remain the case.

Now, on the self-host server i have one specific user that i need to route trough the wireguard tunnel for it's outgoing traffic, because i need to make sure it's traffic seems to originate from the VPS.

The way i usually handle this is with a couple of nft commands to create a user-specific routing table and assign a different default route to it (uid=1070):

 ip rule add uidrange  1070-1070 lookup 1070
ip route add default via dev eno1 table 1070

(this is the case, and works, to use eno1 as default gateway for user 1070. Traceroute will show user 1070 going trough eno1, while any other user going trough the default gateway)

If i try the same using the wg0 interface, it doesn't work.

 ip rule add uidrange  1070-1070 lookup 1070
ip route add default via dev wg0 table 1070

This doesnt work, wireguard refuses to allow packets trough with an error like:

From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable                                            
ping: sendmsg: Required key not available 

I tried to change my self-host server AllowedIps like this:

Address =
AllowedIPs =,

and it works! User 1070 can route trough wireguard. BUT... now this works just too much... because all my self-host server traffic goes trough the wg0, which is not what i want.

So i tried to disable the WireGuard messing with routing tables:

Address =
Table = off
AllowedIPs =,

and manually added the routes for user 1070 like above (repeat for clarity):

 ip rule add uidrange  1070-1070 lookup 1070
ip route add default via dev wg0 table 1070

The default route now doesnt get replaced, but now, without any error, the packers for user 1070 just don't get routed. ping for user 1070 just hangs

I am at a loss.... Any suggestions?

(edits for clarity and a few small errors)


Hi all.

I have been hosting my mail (not "self" like at home, but hosting on a rented server on the 'net) for the last 20 years going the old good way of postfix+dovecot+OpenDKIM/DMARC/SpamAssassin and all the glue and bells.

Having the opportunity to rethink the entire approach (which works fine, but its pretty cumbersome and complex to replicate) i was looking at Stalwart mail server which looks promising and nice, being written in rust following modern principles and such.

Asking to anybody who has been using Stalwart, is it good? Does it deliver being a solid mail server?

Asking to people hosting it's own mail, is there a better solution out there?

Asking to people commenting against hosting a mail server, please refrain from doing so, as i'have been doing that with success for the past 20 years that's what i will be keep doing for the foreseeable future as well.


Hi all!

This is my first post from my self-hosted Lemmy instance!

Thanks all you guys who gave me suggestions and help!

Hope you can see it, BTW :)

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