Next thing you know they’ll be calling democrats an insurgency.
So like a town, owned by a company, like some sort of company town, but now with freedom! The freedom to live in a house owned by your employer, shop at a store owned by your employer, and you have to use special money that your employer pays you in. Yup, nothing says freedom more the having incredibly limited choices.
I’ve bought books from here, lol. Hi, VCU.
Reading stories like this are going to be the only solace I’ll have for the next 4 years.
This is the correct answer.
I swear this looks like Hungary.
No, but the FBI agent assigned to you will.
At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
I really thought I was about to read something very transphobic, but nope, someone just has strong opinions on acting.
I think it’s a distinct possibility, obviously there is something going on that he doesn’t want the American people to see. Best case scenario, ill treatment of detainees, worst case scenario, yeah it’s a death camp.
My first wife in stardew was Emily, on my next play through it’s. Between Abigail and Maru, as for husband probably Sebastian, part of me wants to see Shane get better but I know I can’t fix him. As far as people I can’t date Robin all the way, they really should make a mechanic that lets you break up relationships but that doesn’t really fit the theme of stardew as a game.
Pancakes, American, but I spent two years living in Hungary and they call them palacsinta.