Babe, wake up! New Factorio balancers just dropped.
Now I feel dumb I never thought of this. I mean, I did use them in the main bus, as explained, but still plopped down "normal" balancers in outpost.
Will try it with the next run
Babe, wake up! New Factorio balancers just dropped.
Now I feel dumb I never thought of this. I mean, I did use them in the main bus, as explained, but still plopped down "normal" balancers in outpost.
Will try it with the next run
It may depend on the way you reheat it.If you use the microwave then it may become mushy.
You can try the oven like "pasta al forno" or "pasta pasticciata". These recipes should spawn from the need to consume pasta leftovers.
Or, you can try to reheat using some non sticky pan with oil. Depending on how much oil you use it can become some sort of fried pasta, with some very crunchy bits. It doesn't come to my mind any recipes based on this way of reheating but I can assure you that every Italian has tried it and someone likes it more than fresh made pasta (including my SO)
This is the way
Reheated pasta is a thing here in Italy. If I am not mistaken, there are some recipes which started as a way to use pasta leftovers.
Sounds familiar haha
(If I am not wrong this is a Resident Evil reference)
I think the book you are referring to should be Isaac Asimov's End of eternity. Oh boy what I would like to give to be able to read it again for the first time.
Yesterday, here in Italy, I saw a bunch of OLED dumped on a second hand market site ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And now I am hungry.
It is the best to make pasta salads, they say. For me they can stop making it all together.
I now.
That's the neet part. You can't
That sounds like a good plot for an episode in a tv show. I sense potential here. Haha