I hate to be all doom and gloom but if the government decided tomorrow that disagreeing with trump was a crime then it's probably already too late for you.
The amount of information about people online is pretty shocking and no amount of cleaning up after yourself could save you at this point.
On the other hand, it probably won't devolve that fast so you're probably ok?
I agree with you, it was more of a commentary on "what would happen if we had AGI tomorrow".
We've been 3 months away from AGI for a few years now and it's debatable if we'll ever get there with LLM's. Looking into the results of AI tests and benchmarks show that they are heavily gamed (tbf, all benchmarks are gamed.) With AI though, there's so much money involved, it's ridiculous.
Fortunately it looks like reality is slowly coming back. Microsoft's CEO said that something like "AI solutions are not addressing customer problems." Maybe I'm in a bubble but I feel like overall, people are starting to cool on AI and the constant hype cycle.
I'd agree that in the short term, AI is overhyped and in the long term, who really knows.
One thing I've always found funny though is that if we have AI's that can replace programmers then don't we also, by definition, have AI's that can create AI's? Isn't that literally the start of the "singularity", where every office worker is out of a job in a week and labourers only lasting long enough for our AI overlords to sort out robot bodies?
I've thought about this before, I think it's because the devs/publishers want to have their cake and eat it. They release a new game every year at full price for that up front cash then they nickle and dime you all year and then reset with a new full price game.
I'm pretty sure the amount of money EA makes from FIFA or Activision makes from COD would go down dramatically if they just had a single live service game.
Firstly, this dude is not the game director, he's the director of a 6 man support studio based in the US. Netease fired his 6 man team. Apparently his studio did R&D stuff related to the game. Since the game is killing it I guess netease wants to stop outsourcing it but that's just an unsubstantiated guess.
Rust makes multi threading very easy you can just use
But rust makes Async difficult because it's naturally stackless so you need to create your own scheduler or use someone else's like Tokio. Also, people have a bad habit of conflating async with concurrency which makes it more confusing.
I don't think I've ever seen someone say that upscaling OPTIONS are bad but I'm worried about games like monster hunter where upscaling and frame gen is used to make the game playable in most cases.