Looks like that arm would be a floppy noodle, it wouldn't surprise me if it needs re-calibrating halfway through a print just from temperature changes.
Maybe the value of real estate held by corporations is assigned proportionally to the shareholders? Maybe the tax rate is determined by whichever intermediate owner results in the highest rate.
I don't see why you can't make it enforceable and effective with less complexity than the current tax system.
Money represents things you do deserve, like the value created by your own work, as well as things you have no moral claim to, like natural resources. What makes sense to me is that the land is owned collectively. The property taxes are effectively rent to the rest of the population, and those that consider it most valuable should get to use it. I also think there should be separate taxes for things that devalue the land, like extracting minerals. You can still make a profit from extracting minerals based on the value added by your own work, but you need to pay the rest of humanity for their share of the minerals themselves.
Have to consider both the ideal and the existing situation for the best next step. Housing is a combination of value both created by human effort, and an accumulation of natural resources. I think what I've proposed is a big step towards fair allocation of housing, but critically, also something that could actually be implemented.
The fault in your assumption is 1. that this would discourage corporations from buying up;
Did you plug in some numbers to see how much you pay when you own multiple homes? Rental units are not profitable when people can buy a house for cheaper than your property taxes on the same property. And normal people can do hostile buyouts from corporate landords too.
Land is a natural resource, and like air or sunlight, nobody deserves to own it more than anybody else.
"But my family has live here for generations!" sounds awful similar to "I deserve it because my great great grandfather killed the people that used to live here."
You get to decide how much the land is worth to you. If you value it honestly and somebody else values it higher, a trade benefits both of you.
Open source is a major boon for process automation in a print farm. I also wouldn't trust ANY cloud platform with anything remotely sensitive, like product development prototypes.