
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 6 days ago

Alrighty then! I'm screwed

[–] 5 points 6 days ago

Popularity × audience + accessibility to devs.

Popularity is a vague term for how well represented a pantheon already is in popular media; movies, books, tv, comics, gaming mostly, with maybe some music being a factor.

That's amplified by the intended audience. If your audience is focused on one place in the world, chances are better that their pantheon, whatever it may be, will get picked. Otherwise, it's likely to be a Western pop culture audience.

And it's likely that developers are going to go with what they know best. It's like how jrpgs pull more from Japanese mythology when they use mythology, and korean devs often pull from their history and legends first. It isn't as heavily weighted as the intended audience, but it's in there.

So, there's typically going to be a bias towards mythologies that are easier to research, when the devs aren't familiar with something, and it ends up with a lot of the published and easy to find info on pantheons in general is in English, and is heavily biased towards European and Mediterranean mythologies.

There's also the factor that a lot of people default to what's in Bullfinch's mythology. So, Greek/Roman, Norse, and that's about it lol. Even Celtic mythology gets shafted in that regard, the slavic gods get totally ignored, and you might as well just pretend that any deity that wasn't also in Clash of the Titans doesn't exist.

Egyptian mythology tends to be horribly misrepresented even compared to Greek. And pretty much any pop culture use of mythology ignores the fact that pantheons weren't some kind of static group that never changed, and weren't all worshipped the same everywhere. Hell, it wasn't even always a pantheon that was worshipped at all, it could be single deities, where the others just got a nod occasionally.

I ran into some of the trouble when looking into mythology when doing world building. It's fairly easy to find translation into English if you stick to those cultures. You can often find translation of original texts and later recordings of oral writ, not just stuff like Bullfinch's.

Finding anything even remotely unfiltered for anything from the Asian regions is harder. You can usually find good translations of some of the more well known texts, but past that you're relying on what some other person's interpretation of what they read is, and that's not the same as a translation.

So, it isn't just a gaming industry thing. It's everywhere.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

This community turned to shit overnight. It's ridiculous.

Also, be aware that banning someone for something that isn't even in the rules is not a good thing.

[–] 9 points 8 months ago

Apparently, the mod team is pretty anti-sexworker. I got banned for this.

Go figure.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Finally, an ai project worth the cpu cycles!

[–] 10 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Yeah, lemmy using the ! for communities kinda screws it up across the board. Some apps can't seem to make it be recognized as a community tag, and it makes the spoiler markdown annoying as hell.

I really wish they'd picked a less important marker for communities. ¢ is like, never used for anything and kinda looks like the c/ thing in a way lol.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Yeah, I eventually realized that. I'm an idiot. I knew there were two versions, but my dumb ass didn't bother to check both instances.

Thank you very much for the help, and the tool itself

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I understand your frustration. It's justified. The dentist should have explained why they aren't willing to do the job, and why it's not the best choice overall.

Now, I'm not your doctor/dentist, so take this with that in mind.

But, unless you have a specific medical condition that is going to result in tooth loss no matter what you do, implants are a poor choice. Even with one of those conditions, you want to wait as long as possible because implants have limits and they don't always preserve the jaw properly.

Ever known anyone with dentures? They tend to lose their fit fairly often. Part of the reason for that ia that the bones of the jaw are maintained by the act of chewing. The motion of natural teeth in their sockets keeps the jaw strong and healthy in a way that implants can't match. Mind you, implants do stimulate the jaw some, it just isn't the same, and it isn't as good. So delaying that as long as possible is the standard practice. You'd be in the situation where any dentist or oral surgeon willing to do the job (again, assuming no underlying condition) isn't practicing good ethics for their field, so you wouldn't be able to trust their work very much.

Restoration > extraction, every time.

There are limits, obviously. Sometimes there's no way to restore a given tooth, and it needs pulling. But you'd be better off overall doing it when there's no other choice, tooth by tooth.

And it isn't like implants are truly a once and done thing. They require maintenance and work as well. They can break, the area around them can get infected. Worst case, the bone degrades enough around the implants that you lose the implant as well as pieces of the jaw. That is brutal as fuck, btw.

I get it though. One of my friends had her teeth yanked maybe fifteen years ago. She had some family genetic thing where their teeth just straight up suck. They'll literally just fall out because the root dissolves sometimes. Finding a doc to do it so she could do dentures took some calling around. And that's with one of the medical issues where it's an inevitable outcome. The only difference would be how long she'd have to deal with pain and issues before them being gone anyway.

So, again, your rant is totally understandable. I'm not saying otherwise. Your dentist should have explained all of that to you, with pictures and diagrams. And they should have explained that they're ethically constrained to not jump into that severe of an action.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I'm trying to use it, but I keep getting an error, "missing field infinite_scroll_enabled"

I have no idea what's going on lol