Systematically unfair system requires us to continue unchanged to the advantage of an incredibly small number dbags who own everything already, 'cuz they have all the money to invest'. Good critical thought dude.
joined 2 years ago
This is some gourmet stupid bullshit right here, well done.
Litterally forever fetid pansy, as long as i get to insult you every comment it remains fun for me.
Yes i was you stupid jackass.
Understand all those downvotes you received on my inital comment and you should get the message, tiny nards
I hope you fall down stairs.
Right, your point just makes very little sense in totality. Sorry i got you confused with another anal sphinceter spewing shit like a geyser.
This is America. This is the foundation that holds up the Trump government and the Republican Party.
Cesspool, the question is what % are bots.
I did, maybe if you'd stop lying
What the fuck are you talking about, jackass?
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Being out of breath?