I meant it is delusional that it is possible but you can always hope.
You may be living in dream land to think that.
I am answering Op who is in Germany and situation is the same as in my country.
Left parties are also to blame for this. I always vote for the left party but lately I am not OK with about 70% of their agenda.
A rising number of people are concerned about immigration but left parties just ignore that and pushes for more immigration.
Immigration causes lot of issues. You see many immigrants pick pocketers in touristic areas, you hear a lot of crime cases involving immigrants, many prostitutes are immigrants and are exploited. It is maybe few but why adding more crimes when we already have enough of it.
Many immigrants rely on welfare and are eligible as some immigrants do not allow their wives to work and having multiple children is a norm. Left parties always vote against any restrictions.
They push salaries down and causes unemployment. Many do not want to work on underpaid jobs like in restaurants. But immigrants are OK to take those jobs and push salaries down.
So people see that left parties are doing nothing for this, left parties do not want upset their base which contain a lot of people from immigration. So people go to right and far right parties.
Age has nothing to do with it. You are still a boomer.
Won't those immigrants will just at the end decide to go back by themselves (if they are allowed to)? Because being in a prison is maybe worse than going back to their country?
If most of your bonus go to taxes and you still have money for a pizza then you are not poor and nothing to complain about.
I used to go to restaurants alone and I the last time I did it the waitress/owner started asking what I do and gave me the impression that she felt sorry for me.
Now it has been a while that I didn't go. It wasn't because of her but it I feel like it.
Japanese people do that as trash bins are very rare. It is an education issue and not the lack/full of trash binsy
Deport every? No one to work the jobs most refuse to do... Means food, housing, and other shortages which makes prices go up.
I agree with everything except this. If companies can't find workers, it will force them to review the pay and benefit to attract people. If it still doesn't work, the government will certainly allow immigrants to enter legally for those jobs.
Right now companies are employing immigrants with shitty pay and without any benefits. It is slavery.
In France many illegal immigrants are working in delivery jobs. People are not against doing those jobs but the conditions are shitty. So illegal immigrants are doing those because they don't have a choice and maybe it is way better than in their original country. But that is exploitation and slavery.
No I eat garlic but the one they put in the plate has a bizarre odor.
If you let people live anywhere they want and ignore the issues they create your children will inherit worse world than we have today.
For example women fought for decades for equal rights in Europe. Now let people from countries who do not believe in equal rights come to Europe and you will see how women situation will become. I know many immigrants who do not allow their wives to work and think women should do home work and take care of children. Worse those people even when they come as immigrants become permanent residents and get citizenship very easily after few years living in my country and will start voting. In my country they no longer do long interviews for citizenship as before. You get asked two or three questions that everybody memorize and that is all.
So try to make good choices too.